Chapter 42 - Respectful Woman

Start from the beginning

"I don't mind, sometimes the floor is nice... and warm." She quickly averted her gaze, unable to bear the sight of his adorable, charming face.

Felicia could create another bed or a parting wall, but her wounds were healing slowly like a mortal. She had to change her bandages multiple times because they were soaked in blood. She needed energy to heal the wounds first. The more creation she made, the more energy she consumed, and the slower wounds would heal.

If she was immortal she would have unlimited energy by now.

Mocha watched Felicia with half-lidded eyes, purring became heavier and his ears fell, "Come on, don't you... feel tempted?" He teased, tail upright. "I would love to have a strong woman wrapping her muscles around me... and other things as well~." He chuckled, squeezing his legs tight, winking seductively at the creator who didn't budge at the door.

"I would love that but you're drunk as hell," She muttered, grimacing with her eyes wide in concern.

"What was that?" His drooped ears stood tall. He seemed couldn't catch up with Felicia's deep and quiet voice, much to his dizziness.

Felicia sighed, "Trust me, you don't want this. Next thing when you wake up you will accuse me of taking advantage of you."

"I don't mind if that was you~."

"Oh dear."

Felicia struggled to contain herself, her body slighly trembling under the weight of his tempting words. The air crackled with an electric anticipation as she yearned to feel him against her, but she knew the boundaries of respect. His eyes were a tease to Felicia, a passionate mix of desire and longing, locked onto hers, while his tail swayed playfully, teasingly. The scent of desire hung heavy in the air, intoxicating her senses. A slow burn ignited within her, causing her tanned cheeks to flush, spreading a rosy warmth throughout her body.

"No, such things before marriage." She cleared her throat. Her eyes were drawn to the floor, as if she had material she looked at beginning to get interesting. "Marriage first."

"Ugh, fine. Your lost." He rolled his eyes, letting himself drop on the bed with a thump. Adjusting his pillow, he darted his drunken eyes to Felicia.

"Could you at least tuck me in?"

Felicia shifted her crossing arms, lacing her hands at her waist, and took a deep breath before exhaling forcefully. Her broad, muscular shoulders and chest rose and fell as she sighed frustratedly. She hesitated.

 However, that only further enticed Mocha, causing him to run his tongue over his lips, "Come on, I won't sleep unless Her Majesty tucks me in~"

"Fine," She muttered. The muscular creator ambled towards the drunken traveler, her jacket on her shoulders billowed.

Felicia grabbed the blanket, taken completely off guard as Mocha suddenly yanked her toward him. He grabbed a hold of her ribbon and forcibly pulled her in close, leaning in towards her face. She felt a pang of anxiety as her heart began to race, "Mocha!" She yelled.

"Shhh, you don't want to let the others hear us, do you?" He teased. He was so close to the creator that their lips seemed almost to touch. "Although I don't mind you show me off."

"I am not tempted, I won't do such things towards you." She gritted her teeth, her commitment wavering.

"But you wanted it, don't you? Deep down, you want to destroy me, you want to ravish me so hard, you want to fu-"

"Enough!" She growled, untangling his fingers on her ribbon. Felicia tore herself between him to her full height, taking a few steps back, "Please, just go to sleep." Her face scrunched up in frustration as she vigorously wiped it.

"Don't be such a lady right now, I know how much you want to make me submit to you with your strength and power!" He pouted.

"I am a respectful woman, I would not do such things without your consent, without your conscious consent." Her palm displayed to his face, signaling for him to stop. "You... are very drunk."

"I'm not!"

"Yes, you, ARE." Her voice raised.

Hazel eyes rolled, the traveler plopped himself to the bed, "Ugh, you don't love me do you?"

"What?" She lowered her hand. Felicia was taken aback. What's that supposed to mean? How could he dare to say that?

Felicia sighed, she knew it would probably be another trick up on his drunken sleeves. She immediately recollected herself, "Goodnight, Mocha." She pulled the blanket and tucked him nicely.

"I guess I was right," He yawned. "You don't love me at all." He closed his eyes, apparently easy to drift to his slumber. Within seconds he was in deep sleep.

Felicia observed him as he began to snore.

"If only that was true."

 She placed a kiss on his forehead lovingly, her warm lips touched his cold forehead. "If I don't love you I would already have done it." She muttered.

"Hmm...ngh..." Mocha's lips twisted into a small smile, Felicia found herself praying that he didn't catch what she had just said. She gazed at his puffy pink cheeks, his fair skin, and his small fangs, which were visible to her eye when he snored. He seemed to be off in a good dream.

With a weary sigh, Felicia rose to her feet, her fingers brushing against the rough texture of the wooden wall as she reached for the small nail that served as her coat rack. She carefully draped her jacket over it, the scent of musty wood mingling with the faint aroma of fabric softener. In this humble wooden house, she lacked the luxuries she once enjoyed. Unable to conjure anything larger than a necklace or a pen, she must teach herself to be unadorned for a while. 

She checked on the sleeping traveler one last time, ensuring his safety. She blew out the candles, letting the darkness comfort embrace Mocha before she headed out.

"How was ya lad, Your Majesty?" The woman asked.

"He is alright, thank you." Felicia glanced at the woman sitting on the small wooden chair, as she knew the question awaited for her as soon she stepped out.

"No problem, Your Majesty."

Felicia carefully opened the front door and stepped outside, onto the porch. The cool breeze brushed past her face as she looked around, taking in the sight of the brightly lit lanterns and flickering fires. She noticed that there were no children out, as it was already well past their bedtime. The adults, on the other hand, seemed to be fully immersed in the celebration of their freedom, with many of them still out and about, chatting and dancing the night away. Despite the late hour, the energy in the town showed no signs of waning.

Regardless of the loving scenario in front of her, she could never neglect the problems burdened on her shoulders. 

She knew that her face was probably featured on wanted posters throughout the city of Eternal Afiat, thanks to the CEO. It was highly likely that Sylvia had put an absurd amount of bounty for her head, with the other immortals showing no mercy, well the poor and low-ranking ones. Whether she was captured alive or killed, it didn't matter to them.

Not to mention about Naomi, how does her grudge never waver? For once? After 500 years she determined her undying life just to bring her down. What if Naomi cooperates with Sylvia? That would be worse. Was the forbidden recipe made her lose herself?

And Mocha, He was her responsibility, but she only caused him pain and suffering. That was enough to make her feel even more wretched.

"If only you were here, brother." Felicia sighed, and she admitted she sighed a little too much lately. Her golden eyes gazed at the starry stars in the midnight blue sky, creating a contrast as her eyes were known to bring the sunset's shades as someone looked into them. His brother's were a lighter coloring than her deep orbs.

Maven informed her, just before he headed to his work in Antarctica the year before, that he would be busier this year. The likelihood of his visit would decrease to zero percent. 

Unfortunately, as always, difficult situations tend to arise when her dear brother is not around to assist her.

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