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Just thankfully, there was a way to shut down the system.

Of course, Y/n would still get alerts of any important development that might happen—and also now get notified when an event started, but overall, Iris could be silenced. Which meant she couldn't see what he was doing—couldn't hear his conversations..and overall, not be a manipulative narcissist.

[First Meet has commenced. Your chances of disrupting the 'Elliot' route is now 78%.]

And now was one of those times.

"Thank you for the update, Iris," Y/n muttered to himself, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "But I'll be taking matters into my own hands from now on."

He didn't need some..ruddy system getting in the way. He was going to do what he had planned in advance; without her interference. Y/n was still wildly suspicious of Iris and her motivations; how did she end up as a system? Did she have a physical body? Was she..someone who also transmigrated? Whatever it was, Y/n just felt it was the laws of the universe. It would simply be unexplained. His arrival in the game itself might have been pure coincidence. After all, Iris had not appeared for almost two weeks since his transmigration; which also made him suspect she was not directly aligned with the reason he was here.

In fact, she might be making all this up for her selfish desires. But that was just a theory. It was highly likely Iris was telling the truth. How else could one explain her powers?

Iris had a hidden motivation for him to disrupt the game routes. Y/n wouldn't focus on that now, though—he had other..important things to do.

And speaking of importance, Angelina had just walked in.

"How was your day?" Y/n asked casually, "did anything..interesting happen? Did you get the academy books and uniform, like you were supposed to?"

Angelina nodded her head, face aglow with excitement. And that, Y/n thought reluctantly, was the face of a young woman who had met a potential lover.

"Yes. Something unexpected happened. I met a knight," Angelina said dreamily, "he was such a gentleman. He seemed so pleased, when I.."

"Let me guess," Y/n deadpanned, "when you bought a sword for him."

Her eyes sparkled.

"Yes! Precisely that! How did you know?"

Because this all goes along with the game.

"Just a guess. What else could a knight need?" Y/n responded vaguely, "but you have yet to answer my question—are you ready for the academy? We are heading out today. However, today is merely the welcome ceremony. You need not wear your uniform."

Because I sure am not.

"Yes! I can't wait to meet all of the nobles. Lady Trina sounds lovely, and she's so smart too! So does Lady Veronica..Livio?"

Angelina's expression shifted from excitement to uncertainty as she realized Y/n's lack of enthusiasm. She furrowed her brows and took a step closer to him.

"Livio, are you alright?" she asked with concern, "You seem... distant."

He forced a smile that felt like it was melting off his face. "I'm fine, Angelina. Just a bit tired, I guess. But I'm happy for you; all of that sounds wonderful. Especially..that knight part. It must have been..a great experience."

Her concern seemed to fade as she beamed at the memory. "It truly was! He was so kind, and he even offered to teach me some swordplay. Isn't that amazing?"

Y/n nodded, trying his best to engage in the conversation. As much as he cared for Angelina, his mind was preoccupied with thoughts of the academy. How was he going to pose as Livio? And how was he going to deal with the Crown Prince? There were plenty of events that would happen in the academy in itself. One such as a [Friendly Rivals] where Angelina would first meet Claude.

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