Wendigo: Part 2

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"From what I can tell, this thing doesn't like sunlight so it's best to do this in the day" I said as Dean drove up the road to where we would be meeting Haley. "Awesome" Dean said, seeing Haley, Ben and a man I didn't know standing by a red car. I got out of the car along with my brothers and looked at Haley. "You got room for three more?" I smiled and she smiled at me.

"Wait, you want to come with us?" Haley sounded surprised. "Who are these guys?" the stranger asked. "Who are you?" Dean countered, looking at him. "Roy, I'm the hunter that she hired. Your turn" Roy glared at Dean. "Rangers from the Park Service" Dean answered, returning the glare.

"You're hiking out in biker boots and jeans?" Haley raised an eyebrow as she looked at Dean. "Well, sweetheart, I don't do shorts" he smiled and I snorted. "Yeah, right" I smirked and he glared at me. "You shut your mouth" he pointed a finger at me and I grinned, glancing at Haley. 'He loves shorts' I mouth to her and she chuckles softly.

"You think this is some type of joke? It's dangerous out there. Her brother might be hurt" Roy said with a serious face and I just smiled sweetly at him. "Believe me, I know how dangerous it can be. We just wanna help them find their brother, that's all" I shot him a challenging look and he rolled his eyes, turning around and walking off. This was going to be long hunt.


"So, Roy, you said you did some hunting?" Roy and Dean were leading the way, looking out for anything suspicious. Nothing had been found for the past few miles and I could tell that Haley and Ben were starting to get worried. "Yeah, more than most" Roy replied. "Uh-huh, what kind of furry critters do you hunt?" Dean raised his eyebrows. "Mostly buck, sometimes bear" Roy wasn't even looking at Dean, he was looking around.

"Tell me, uh, Bambi or Yogi ever hunt you back?" Dean snickered as he walked past Roy and I looked down to hide my smile, seeing a bear trap right where Dean was about to step and my eyes widen. Before I can even say a word, the bear trap springs shut and Dean and Roy both recoil in shock, looking down at the now shut trap. Roy shrugged it off and kept walking but Dean looked back at me with a frown, hanging back as everyone walked past so he could talk to me.

"Did you do that?" he questions softly, keeping his voice low so that the others don't hear. "I don't know. I saw it and it just went off" I reply, shaking my head. "Do you even know how to disable a bear trap?" Dean frowns and I give him a bitch face. "Of course I do, you dumbass. You pull out the two springs on either side and it snaps shut" I roll my eyes and Dean chuckles softly. "So what, you think you did that?" he looks at me and I shrug. "I don't know. I knew I never would've been able to tell you in time and I got scared" I look down at the floor.

"You were scared?" Dean smirks and I look up at him. "Well, yeah. Who am I gonna annoy if you're dead?" I tease him and his smile disintegrates and he looks at me with his mouth open slightly. "Bitch" he breathes before laughing softly and we walk faster to catch up with the rest of the group.

"Hey, you didn't pack any provisions. You guys are carrying a duffel bag. You're not rangers" Haley said, glaring at Dean who didn't stop so she grabbed his arm, stopping him in place. "So who the hell are you?" she continues. I stopped next to Dean and Haley, watching the other three go past.

"Sam, Talia and I are looking for our dad. He might be out here but we don't know for sure. I just figured with you looking for your brother, we might help each other out" Dean sighed. "Why didn't you just tell me that from the start?" Haley looked at me and I sighed. "I'm telling you now. Besides, this is probably the most honest I've been with a woman. So, we okay?" I raised my eyebrows and Dean looked at me in surprise as Haley nodded, walking past us to the group. I moved to follow but he stopped me.

"Most honest you've ever been with a woman? That's a lie in of itself" Dean looked at me questioningly and I sighed. "Yes, because I'm going to tell someone I met yesterday about my dead girlfriend" I roll my eyes and Dean looks down. "You still haven't spoken about that. I don't even know how she died" Dean tilts his head. "Yeah, and you won't find out. Not if I can help it" I dismiss, walking off towards the group and Dean follows silently.

Supernatural Rewrite - Season 1Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin