Kawu Aliyu's family were...something else. They were black-bellied and entitled, feeling like they were better than all tribes out there when in fact, they were terrible people.

Look, I didn't judge. But when someone requires assistance and you aid them only to have them show anger and resentment towards your help, yet still act entitled to it, well, that was just messed up honestly.

"Mama will not be happy, you know how she is," she hesitated.

"So what? Do you want to keep taking the insults? You know Baba doesn't see their faults. You can only keep swallowing it until you get married!" Fadila raged. "Is it a crime to stay at home after finishing school!? It's not like it's their father's house!"

Karima lowered her head.

I walked over and hugged her tightly, feeling bad and indignant on her behalf. "We'll talk to Auntie together later on. And leave Yapendo to me, I'll handle her."

"Thank you, Aliya. You're so lucky to have Yapendo, you even got a husband for free. Can I switch places with you?" She half-joked.

I gaped at her stupefied. "Are you serious!?"

"Maybe?" She laughed dryly.

I took hold of her hand and dragged her to where Auntie was sitting. "Excuse me, Hajiya Amina. Karima said she wants to trade places with me, and seeing as I'm an open-minded person, I'm open to discussion," I stopped in front of her.

"Aliya," she smiled helplessly.

"What? She wants to do it," I said defensively.

"It doesn't work that way," Adda Aisha chuckled.

"You can't just give your husband away," Adda Khadija added.

"I can if I'm a generous person, which I am. And Karima doesn't mind so—"

"Are you planning to jilt me a day to our wedding? Wow, Aliya, search the entire damn world and there won't be another like you."

I looked sideways at Hafiz and my Hammas and then...

Well and then nothing. I just stared at him, tongue-tied.

Haifiz in dressed in formal pants and shirt was striking, but Hafiz in a light olive green kaftan was a vision. The embroidery on the clothes was done with white threads, making a sharp contrast. His hair was still moussed up, eyes still holding that same annoyed look.

However, at that moment, I saw a glimpse of what could have been. If he had grown up in a complete family, he would've been such a gentleman, so respectful and pious.

"Wow Hafiz, you look great!" Fadila gave a thumbs up.

"Green is your colour," Didi said.

"You should consider dressing this way more often," Adda Salma suggested.

"Aliya, why are you so quiet?" Goggo Bilkisu called.

"She's shy, probably," Adda Aisha snorted.

"Come on, Hafiz dressed up for you, won't you say a word?" Hamma Yusuf smirked.

Hamma Anwar grinned. "She's star-struck, let her rest."

Hafiz ignored their racket and strolled towards me, hands tucked inside his pocket. "What? Cat got your tongue?"

"You look...decent," I cleared my throat.

"You mean I look hot," he stopped in front of me.

"You don't look ugly, yes," I took a step back.

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