chapter 9:teacher

Start from the beginning

He took notice when Koui grabbed his dick and yanked it harshly. The man doubled over, whimpering from the tight grip. Koui forced him to his knees, then onto his back.

“Patience, your time will come soon,” he said, voice silky smooth.

Koui let go, stepping out of the gazebo. Izuku flinched when something passed next to him. It was another boy, shorter than Izuku by a hair. He had pale, almost white skin, and when Izuku caught a glimpse of his eyes, he saw how the sclera were jet black. He dressed in the same style of fundoshi as Koui. When the man laid eyes on him, he reacted similarly to how he saw Koui just before.

“So many beautiful women. I’m sure you’re so much better than the bitch who just attacked me.”

The new boy crooned, whispering reassurances as the man pulled him onto his lap. A curtain appeared, closing around the gazebo, but it barely concealed what was happening within it. Izuku turned to see Koui leaning against one of the support struts.

“What the hell is this? Some kind of sex afterlife?”

Surprisingly, Koui almost looked regretful.

“If only it was,” he said, “there are precious few things in life that connect people more than sex can. There’s nothing to get in the way. When people come together to enjoy their pleasures, they leave everything else behind. As soon as they enter their bed, or bed equivalent, nothing else matters. Gender, class, money, power, quirk, all of it is meaningless in the heart of that connection.”

Koui’s expression became wistful as he gazed at nothing in particular.

“It doesn’t matter if they’re madly in love or just want to feel good, it’s a gift they get to share with each other.”

Koui’s eyes hardened as he glanced behind him. The man was fondling at the boys chest with one hand while the other moved around the back.

“Only there are some who don’t see it like that. They don’t see it as a gift to be shared. No, they take it. They steal it from their partner, perverting what should have been a connection made by choice, and for what? Cheap pleasure that pales in comparison to the real thing!”

Koui’s anger was palpable, but even though Izuku tensed, part of him knew it wasn’t directed at him.

“They take, and take, and rob people of the chance to experience what sex can be,” Koui finished, now sounding upset, “and for that, they get sent to me.”

The implications registered in his head. Looking around, the surrounding gazebos all had similar situations as the one in front of him. Sometimes it was a man, sometimes it was a woman, but all of them were naked and being attended to by one or more of the same pale boy. The man had grabbed at Koui’s chest without hesitation.

Sludge wrapping around his…

Pushing against his…

“All of these people? They all...”.

Koui gestured to the man.

“Juro Kagawa cheated on his wife with girls at the club who couldn’t put up a fight. He raped three before getting caught in a villain fight which led to his death.”

He pointed at another.

“Kaede Asano used the little boys in her grade school class to get herself off. She killed herself before she could stand trial.”

“Yuu Konno never listened when his boyfriend said no, until one day he met his end when said boyfriend snapped.”

“All the mortal souls here took what should have been a gift freely given and perverted it to their own ends. Regardless of whether they faced justice in life, they all end up here.”

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