Disclaimer :3

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Hi, as mentioned in the description, I came up with this idea about randomly being reincarnated into Lego Monkey Kid and ending up in an alternate version where I completely replace Mk. I have another idea with an oc so that will be a separate book, but yes. And that same idea with another oc, just slightly different. And a LMK x Ninjago crossover based in Ninjago. Because y e s. All separate books. 

ANYWAY! How did I come up with this idea? Uhhh.... like with all of my other ideas for stories, the answer is "I don't know : D" because I really, really don't know. Was I listening to anything when I came up with this? Yes, actually. 


But this song may or may not be used in a future, possibly filler chapter. Just a warning~

Onto the actual disclaimer: 

- I DO NOT OWN any art, videos, or music that I share in this story UNLESS STRICTLY STATED OTHERWISE. 
  - This goes for the picrew that I used to create the image in the first part of this book. It is a Monkie Kid OC Maker on Picrew.me, designed by SonnieMed. I did use it to create that image, but I do not own the picrew itself. I am sadly not that good at drawing, simply because I lack the motivation and the want to pursue practice to get better at it. 

- LEGO Monkie Kid is a show (as far as I'm aware) based around the Chinese classic tale, "The Journey to the West" (I actually have all three translated and edited copies of this story done by Anthony C. Yu). It is written formerly by Jeremy Adams from 2020 to 2022, and currently by Sarah Harper and David Breen. Created by Simon Lucas, and formerly directed by Sarah Harper and currently by Christian Barkel. I own no part of this series, though I kinda wish I did. 

- This is a FANFICTION. I do not have to own the series to write stories of what if's or create characters to put into the show. However, this is MY story, MY idea. To reincarnate yourself into a series and replacing the original main character completely may be an overused idea in some fandoms, but it is an idea that I came up with for this one. If you wish to translate it, ask me first. If you wish to post it somewhere else, ask me first. Do not take or republish something that does not belong to you. I know a lot of authors deal with this, and there's been awareness of sites with our stories on them that we did not put on there nor give permission to be posted there. This is extremely important. 

- I will say this now, there will be a slight mention of Naruto in here, mainly because I had ideas for the clones. Do you think Monkey King ever gets the memories and experience of his clones when they get destroyed? Same question goes for Macaque I suppose, since he makes clones from shadows. Other ideas I had are somehow being able to view through another clone's eyes or completely switch your conscience into a clones body, kind of like a different version of the Mind Transfer Jutsu (there is a Season 3 idea for that, which I may or may not do. Bonus points if you can guess it~). 

- I do accept constructive criticism, but if you actively hate on this idea or how I do things or how I believe I would do something within the series, actively being rude and judging based on how you believe things should be done, you may be entitled to your own opinion, but get the fuck out of this book. I will NOT stand for slander of any kind, and I don't know who the fuck hurt you, but that does not give you an excuse to let that out in my comment section. If you do not agree with any LGBTQI+ mentions, because yes, I am actually AroAce, and MK is seen as trans-coded, and Redson is seen as Gender fluid by many people after a tweet from a storyboard director, Ashe Jacobson (I don't know what the tweet was though, I do not have Twitter), so if you don't like any of that, this is not for you. Please leave, I don't want you hear unless you believe that you can enjoy the story. If you don't like the story either way, that's fine. You tried it, you read it, you don't have to like it. If you do, wonderful, you enjoy my writing which I know is not the best thing in the world. Besides, the motivation comes and goes quicker than Sonic, so if I post a chapter? You know damn well I've worked hard to write it between work, writer's block, and lack of motivation. I didn't include inspiration because I get my inspiration for shit from music. So it's pretty common. 

- If you came here expecting real and true romance, you'll only get it from Tang and Pigsy because yes, they will be married in this book. If you want me to do a queer platonic relationship, I can do that. For those who don't know, queer platonic relationships were made by someone within the ace community, and it's normal relationships (dating, having kids, getting married, kissing, etc.) but it's completely and only platonic, as is stated in the name. Nothing wrong with that, I like the idea, but I'm happy being single and being a simp for a lot of characters so.  

- Note that this is my first time writing a story where I, myself, am fully within the series. There will be actions and dialogue that will be different from the series, and it will not be the same. This is how I think I would do within the world of Lego Monkie Kid, I won't just copy MK or follow the show completely. Some conversations will follow conversations I've had with said characters on Character Ai. Forewarning and spoiler, the Spider Queen meeting and conversation will be completely different from the show. That's all you have to know as an example. Will I be reincarnated here with knowledge of the show minus season 4 because I haven't fully seen it? Yes. Will I still try to keep some things from changing? Also yes. Will it make sense? Most likely not. But that's the fun of it : D the creativity is endless. We'll see how this goes together, k?

Right. That's enough of a disclaimer. A chapter should... probably and hopefully be out this week. Possibly. Have a nice day/night wherever you guys are, bunnies. Bye~ 

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