iv. grave mistakes

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Classes officially ended at three and afterwards, we were usually free to do whatever we liked. Usually, I would head straight to the library to tackle my homework but today I had a different plan. I would head to the graveyard Kaito saw the curse in. If it had spoken to him, it was at least a semi-grade one. I prayed it was just that as I stood in my dorm, pulling my hair into a quick ponytail. Facing a special grade was uncharted territory for me. Would I even be strong enough to exorcise one? 

If it is a special grade you have to let me out, my dear.

I thought you believed me to be strong. I scoffed at the curse as I put on my utility belt filled with bullets to help me attack with my technique.   

You are strong but a special grade may be too much, even for you. 

If I find myself in trouble, I'll let you out. I felt his satisfaction run through me at my promise. I hurried out of my dorm. I'd need to be back before curfew at eight or I'd be caught and have to deal with Yaga's wrath. I'm sure if I told him about the curse near my home he'd send all of us to exorcise it the proper way. The proper way would include paperwork and approval from the higher ups which could take at least a week and who knew how many people the curse would kill in the time of us waiting for approval. 

I was halfway down the hall when Gojo exited his room too quickly for me to avoid colliding into him. I stumbled backward for a second before catching my footing. "You don't have to hurt yourself just to get my attention, Yuri-chan." I rolled my eyes as he winked. 

"Trust me, dealing with you is painful enough on its own." I attempted to step around him, figuring the conversation was over. However, he shifted to block my path, peering at me from behind his glasses. "Where are you going?" 

"Would it kill you to mind your own business?" 

"When you ran me over you made it my business." 

I scoffed. "Get out of my way, Gojo." 

"Sure. As soon as you tell me where you're going." Knowing it was Gojo, who wouldn't let me pass until he got what he wanted, I sighed, checking behind me and around Gojo to ensure no one was watching. "There's a curse I need to exorcise."

Gojo's smirk widened and he started strolling down the hall. "Sounds fun! Let's go." 

When he realized I wasn't following he turned around. "Ya coming?" 

"You're not coming with me." I crossed my arms in defiance. Sure, Gojo was strong and with both of us I'm sure we could exorcise the curse even if it was a special grade but Gojo was also a reckless idiot and I couldn't afford for this to go wrong. "Why not?" 

"Because you'll do something stupid and get us killed or worse, caught by Yaga." 

"Oh come on! With both of us there we'll be there and back before it even gets close to curfew." I glanced at my watch, I had already wasted too much time talking to him. "Fine, but do anything stupid and I'm telling Yaga that you begged me to come with you on an unsanctioned mission."


The sun had fully set by the time we arrived leaving the moon to cast an eerie glow over the already creepy cemetery.  As we walked through the cemetery, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched. I had a few bullets in each hand ready to be used. It was more offputting that we hadn't seen a curse yet than if we had. Gojo however seemed completely unbothered by the spookiness of the place as he kept his usual casual walk and hummed the theme song to Ghostbusters. I let out a sigh of relief when he finally stopped but it was as if my relief spurred him on and he started up again but this time he started singing off-key. 

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