v. who we are

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As I finished my essay, after being interrupted zero times, I realized something was wrong. 

Gojo was missing. 

Fridays were always my homework days so I could enjoy the weekend without worry. Though usually, at this time of night on a Friday, he and Geto would come barging in with Shoko. All three of them would have a mischievous glint in their eyes and despite my protests, I would end up dragged into whatever stupid activity they had planned. I would always end up with homework over the weekend because of them. Yet today I worked without disturbance and even finished finished everything. 

I stood up from my desk and went to the room beside mine. I knocked on Shoko's door three times but she didn't answer. She must be sleep.  

I walked out of the girl's dorm and entered the boys. As soon as I pulled the door open I ran into Geto. 

"Yuri-chan." I rolled my eyes. "Gojo's not here, you don't have to use that stupid nickname." A smirk spread across his face. "But then I wouldn't get to see that look on your face." I schooled my face into what I hoped was a neutral expression. Though from the look on Geto's face my irritation definitely still showed.  

"You and Gojo didn't do your usual tornado twins act tonight. Are you guys good?" Geto's smirk dropped and he turned to glance out the window. "We had a mission tonight" I remember Yaga saying something about it during class earlier but it was clear it was a Geto and Gojo only mission so I tuned it out. If he didn't force me to go along it couldn't have been that dangerous yet I've never heard Geto talk about a mission like this. Usually, I had to deal with his and Gojo's excited ramblings about how awesome they were and what moves they used that they'd have to show me. Never this. My stomach twisted with worry. "Where's Gojo?" 

"I don't know. He's been missing since we got back." 

"I'll find him." I walked out of the dorm, wishing I had grabbed my jacket before I left my room. But something was up with Gojo and I intended to find out what. 

The only time I had ever seen Gojo hurt was during our first year when he was really annoying me during training. I had grabbed a basketball and hurled it at his head. I still don't know if he was too tired to activate limitless or just knew I needed to land a hit on him. His forehead swelled up and turned purple where the ball hit him. Shoko fixed it up in minutes and his face was back to being flawless. I didn't feel the happiness that I expected to after finally managing to injure Gojo after so much time. Instead, I was worried. Gojo always seemed so invincible before then and seeing him clutch his forehead and whine to Geto reminded me he wasn't some all-powerful sorcerer. He was just a kid like me and just like me, he could die. 

When I found Gojo sitting under the large tree in the courtyard with blood dripping from his hand, I gasped. 

His eyes shot up to meet mine as I crossed the distance between us. I took his hand in mine and examined the cut. If we didn't have Shoko he'd definitely need stitches. "You idiot, why didn't you see Shoko when you first got back?" 

Gojo stared at the cut with a distant look as if he couldn't believe that was his hand he was looking at. He wiggled his fingers like he was testing them. "Gojo." What was up with him? 

His eyes lifted from his hand to look at me. His endless blue eyes were dull in a way I had never seen before from an emotion I couldn't place. 

I had seen Gojo be so happy his eyebrows moved as he spoke and he danced around the room as if he couldn't sit still. I had seen him be so cocky after a fight that he would challenge Geto to a fight with blazing eyes. I had seen his shoulders slump with guilt after a bad yelling from Yaga. But I had never, ever seen Gojo look like this. Look so...empty. 

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 15 ⏰

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