Ninth Chapter of Kris

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After a few years in the boiling pot, Izmir is full of hatred and prejudice. Tarrek, son of Beast, now a grown man, writes a letter to Izmir. This letter details his beliefs as a Beast, and that he means no harm.

The Messenger does not return, nor does a response from Izmir. Tarrek writes again, this time of knowledge and sense. He shall bring it. He comes back from Izmir, his eyes blurry and confused, looking to be blinded.

He sits in a chair, and tells of visions he has. His wife, Lakamara, and infant son Kris worry for him.

He goes to Izmir one last time, without letter. He does not return, but a letter does. It reads,

"Your beloved son Tarrek we have burned to a charred crisp. Do not send another messenger to Izmir, or we shall slaughter and burn all your beloveds. You shall be charred until even the savage dogs refuse to bite at you."

The Ardysians boiled up and screamed like a tea kettle. They demanded The Militia to go to Izmir and burn it down until it was as crispy as Tarrek, and they were about to, until the Kinra Jimmy Beast ordered them to not.

"Fools!" He yelled, "Do you all wish to be end like Tarrek? A black piece of coal? Then calm your anger, or terror will occur."

Terror did occur, as they still boiled. And an Earthquake rose up just outside of the territory of Ardys. This scared them all so much that they lost their anger and prayed to God that he do not destroy them all. To their fortune, he did not.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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