Sixth Chapter of Kris

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The Muslims were no longer loyal to Islam. Beasts is what they called themselves. The Beasts loved the words of Jimmy so much they began to worship him. As Jimmy saw Beasts praying to statues of him, he began to fume and called all of the thirty people into the Temple for a lecture.

"The Ten Commandments were brought down by Moses from Mount Sinai, the direct word of God," Jimmy explained to the people as he held a stone tablet in his left palm.

"What made Moses break these laws?" Jimmy asked the crowd sitting in the pews.

"The worshipping of false gods," One man answered from the back of the temple.

"Yes," Jimmy responded, "All of you have violated the writing of God by worshipping me as if I were God humanized."

Jimmy held up the stone tablet in his palm. On it was carved, 'SIN' in big, Turkish characters. He smashed it down onto the wood floor of the temple.

"Jesus died for our sins," Jimmy roared, "When he comes down for the final judgement, he will destroy sin. Sin is a terrible, unescapable mess that has corrupted us since the roots of our civilization. If you really want to serve God, worship the one true God instead of your bishops."

Jimmy then gave a lesson to the Beasts about the Ten Commandments. The sermon was so impactful on the crowd, they began to ask for their own laws and customs for their settlement.

Jimmy accepted the idea, and began listing down laws on a large sheet of paper that an Armenian merchant had given him years before.

The first law was to follow the Ten Commandments no matter the situation or position you are in. Respecting the Lord is more important than keeping your life or riches.

The second law was do not assault those for not having faith in Beastism. All forms of Unity to Christ is correct as long as it is true to God.

The third law was to be Beast if you lived in Ardys. Fort Ardys was to be a safe place for anyone who followed Beastism, no matter the shape or form of it.

Beastism had spread in a small amount as some of the Beasts had travelled to Armenia temporarily to spread the good word of Jimmy and God.

The fourth law was to spread peace, not violence. Do not murder unless you are being attacked and the safety of others is on the line.

The fifth law was to prioritize Jesus in your actions. Do not speak sinful, plagued words or use your body for sinful actions. Keep your tongue clear and pure and your actions peaceful and clean.

The sixth law prohibits drinking Alcohol, besides wine, Pure Coffee, and Tea.

The seventh law says that Fort Ardys shall have a ruler that will serve as Head Bishop of universal Beastism and King of Fort Ardys, whatever form it may take in the future. This leader must be descended from Jimmy and cannot be oppressive. They must be more loyal to Beastism than the power and respect of these positions. This person shall be called the Kinra
and will be a useful and devoted leader of the people of Ardys.

From there these laws were known as the Seven Pillars. The Beasts, newly Ardysians, shawl follow them by their life.

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