The First Vision of Tarrek

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I see, yes I can see. I am not blind, or so I believe, but spiritually aren't we all? We cannot see the greatness of The Lord because we are too busy with our own sin. Luckily, There is a new eye for you to see with, he is called Christ.

I see, I see. I see that there shall be five writers. Five writers who write the tale of a great religion. One is the son of the son of Beast. He writes about the beginning. One is the other son of the son of Beast, he writes of the death of Beast. The next is the son of the writer of the beginning, he is Kinra when the first two sons of the son of Beast have bones that will fade away like dust in the wind, old they will be, yes.
The fourth writer is not special at all, or so he thinks. He does not mention himself in his works, but he is great. The end, he writes of the end. He is not a son of a son of a son of Beast, nor a spare. He is just there, a citizen of the Fort.

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