Chapter 6

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Yunjin was smiling at her phone when Chaewon walked in and looked up to wave as she entered.

"Good morning, how have you been feeling?"

Yunjin tilted her hand back and forth. "A bit better," she wheezed out. Chaewon had been off the last two days and had told Sakura to call her if anything happened but nothing did, which was a very good thing. Yunjin's condition had gotten better and she was finally off the oxygen, but her voice was raspy and weak from disuse for a few days.

"I'm glad to hear it. Anything exciting happen while I was gone?"

Yunjin shook her head. "I've been bored without someone in here, but Yeonjun has been sending me videos of shiro so that's been entertaining." She held out her phone to Chaewon and she watched the giant hound running amuck through the rain soaked streets.

"Seems like she's being well taken care of," Chaewon said with a smile. She never had a pet herself, but with every picture and video Yunjin showed her of the giant white ball of fluff she found herself wanting one.

"Yea I was really lucky to have Jun be able to take her in," she said wistfully. She lamented often about how much she missed Shiro.

"Yeonjun is a good guy," Chaewon offered sweetly as she fixed the settings on Yunjin's IV.

"He really is," Yunjin agreed. "Hey, this might sound weird, but is Sakura seeing anyone?"

Chaewon's spine turned to ice and her stomach dropped. "Oh, umm, she's not seeing anyone but she is also straight. I'm sorry."

"Wha-no!" Yunjin began wheezing out a laugh and had to hold her stomach, which finally got Chaewon to turn around. "Not for me! For Yeonjun."


Yunjin finally settled down and rested back onto the bed. "Yea, no. Sakura is beautiful and all but," she glanced away, "but yea not for me. Yeonjun hasn't explicitly said anything to me but he's also incredibly not subtle at all so I figured I would try and help him out."

Chaewon knew she shouldn't feel as light as she did at the admission but she pushed it aside. "Ok so are you and I going to be in cahoots? Setting our best friends up with each other?"

"I think it's cute," Yunjin said dreamily. "Do you think Yeonjun has a chance?"

"It's worth a shot," she shrugged. "Yeonjun is adorable."

"Hey, leave him for Sakura," Yunjin said with a grin. "What about you? Are you seeing anyone?"

Chaewon blushed and coughed nervously.

"God, I'm sorry if that's too personal, Chaewon," Yunjin began. "I kind of forget sometimes that I'm your patient and that you have to sit here with me and you're just so beautiful and of course you're seeing someone and patients probably always hit on you and now I'm rambling...I'm sorry."

"Wow." Chaewon took a second to breathe, Yunjin just said she was beautiful. Not that no one has ever told her that, but having Yunjin say it was way better. Your patient, Chaewon.

"I'm sorry, Chaewon."

Chaewon chuckled. "Relax, Yunjin, it's fine. For the record though I actually don't get hit on by patients as often as you think."

Yunjin looked at her as though she had three heads. "Really? But you're..." she paused, not wanting to incriminate herself more.

"Young." Chaewon sighed. "I'm very young for what I do and most people either think I'm just a nurse or question my abilities because of my age. I can't even tell you how many people have pushed me away from their kid thinking that I didn't know what I was doing."

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