Pajamas and Decisions

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Sanem followed and tried to explain again but he stopped her.

Sanem, I can't let my fame keep us from being there for each other. I'm tired of hiding. I love you. I know that my career comes with complications but it doesn't have to. I'm ready to let everyone know we're together. Are you? he said, looking at her face with a mix of hope and fear in his eyes.

I know Engin can offer that to you, he continued, but..

Can, I have never felt for a man what I feel for you. Never. Not with Engin, not with anyone. You have to believe that. Do think for a minute that I'd choose Engin over you because he's what..not famous? Less complicated in that way? You're the only man I want and after falling in love with you, I know that I'll never, ever love anyone like this again, she said with conviction in her face.

Grabbing her and pulling her close to him again, he spoke into her hair, having buried his face in it.

Sanem, Sanem, you have no idea how you make me feel when you say that. I love you and I'll never love another woman again in my life, he said.

Then let's go talk to our parents first. I don't want them to find out through the press that we're in a relationship. My parents want to meet you. Then when you're ready, we can go visit yours. I'd like to talk to Baris about all of this and I'm sure you need to talk to your agent and Roberto. We can come up with a plan that works for us both. I just don't want to do anything to hurt your career, she said.

And I don't want to do anything to hurt yours, bebek. Just know that if you change your mind at any point, we won't do it. It will be crazy for awhile if we do decide to do this but at least we can control the narrative, he explained.

Until then, can we just stay in our little bubble for a little while longer, she asked, kissing his jaw.

Smiling, he answered, We absolutely can do that. You make arrangements with your family first then I'll talk to mine. They want to meet you. They told me so just the other day.

With that settled, Sanem got up to make them some tea. Suddenly she remembered that she had jumped out of bed to answer the door. Her eyes got huge as the realization dawned on her. Looking down at her favorite cozy pajamas that said "LALA" on them, she feared what her hair must look like. Luckily she remembered she had at least used her mouthwash quickly before she answered the door.

Ya, Caan, you didn't tell me how I looked, she said suddenly.

Chuckling, Can said, You look absolutely adorable, bebek. I love your pjs and bedhead.

Gasping, Sanem started to run to her room when the doorbell rang.

Yelling behind her to see who was at the door, she ran to change and fix her hair.

Laughing at her antics, Can opened the door to find a surprised Engin with his hand up, ready to knock. His smile faltered when he saw who was standing in front of him. Why was this man at Sanem's door this time of the morning? He had to put a stop to this. Now.

Looking around and checking the apartment number again, Engin stood there with a confused look on his face, his eyes squinting. What he didn't notice was the hands of the handsome man standing in front him, opening and closing into fists.

Yes? was all Can could muster in the moment, his voice deep, low and irritated.

Umm, I'm sorry. I thought I was at my..err..friend's apartment. Does Sanem still live here? Engin asked, still confused.

Yes, Can said, looking right into his eyes but not moving a muscle.

Engin tried to figure out where he had seen this man before but more importantly, why he was in Sanem's apartment.

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