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Ben looked at his finacee and daughter as they were sleeping. He knew about Justin coming back with the other villains, but he knew something was wrong. Something that had him unsettle. "Ben?" He heard Caleigh call out sleepily.

"I'm right here. Just worried about Justin."

The blonde raised up and looked up at him. "What do you mean that you are worried?" 

He sighed as he went to the bed and sat beside her. "Justin isn't act like himself and it has me wondering if Uma did something to him. Mal says his been like that since she saved him, but yet, she still refuses to confess she loves him." He tells her as he moved some of her messy blonde hair out of her face. "I'm scared that he is under another love spell and only Mal will have to break it."


Ben looked at her as he didn't know. Kissing her, Ben just wanted to focus on her. Hearing a cry, Ben laughed as he moved away. "I'll take care of Candice and you just relax."

Caleigh watched Ben tend to their daughter, but she wondered when should they try for another one. She smiled as she watched Ben carry Candice over to her. "Hey, baby."

"Mama. Dada."

"Let's watch us some tv till she falls back to sleep."

"I would like that." She tells him. "No worries about Justin and Mal."
Mal sat in her room wondering if Justin was okay. He hasn't acted the same since they left and she feels as if Uma did something to him. "Mal?" She looked at Evie. "I think it's time for Justin to know that you love him. You can't keep fighting with your feelings. We know he loves you, but I think it's time for him to know. We all see you in love with him."

"I will tell him when it's time."

"I think you might want to rethink that because I think Uma did something and I'm not the only one to see it."

Mal watched her best friend lay down and went to sleep. Evie was right and she knows it, but will she be able to tell him without being scared of getting hurt or does he still love her like he always has.

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