🍻 Episode 03🍻

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"Dahyun" yen said looking at the beauty with pure shock into her eyes as the water was still running and the Goldie forgot the surroundings.

"Yes,we met a while ago remember? I'm jungkook's fiancé-" dahyun began but got cut off by yen saying "yeah I know"

Soon yen closed the running tap and began to leave after air drying her hands when dahyun said "can you inform joy that jungkook is coming tomorrow?" Dahyun asked and yen nodded

After finishing the meal rora and eunwoo went back to their places and continued working and yen began to search for joy.

There she saw her working into her mini office which was right across jungkook's cabin "joy shii " yen called out with a smile on her face

"What is it?" Joy asked annoyed taking a sip from her coffee "jungko- I mean mr jeon is coming tomorrow"

"Who told you?" Joy asked putting her attention to yen "dahyun did"

"What mrs jeon came?" Joy asked with a small grin "mrs? She's married?" Yen asked

"Not yet but she has asked us to call her by this way only" joy replied diverting her attention from yen and picking up the files that were kept closed beside her
"Joy why did jungkook didn't come this whole week?" Yen asked slightly feeling comfortable and putting half of her body to the side of the wall

"Even I don't know yen and now go and do you work" joy said while being a little strict this time. Yen nodded and slowly turned around then a group of workers came and joy began to talk with them about the new upcoming project

Joy was busy talking and suddenly her phone ranged the called id said
"Mi amor"

What's mi amor?

Yen thought and picked up the phone onto her hands and began to go towards joy. When the workers went yen reached to joy and said
"Joy shii some mi amor person is calling" after hearing yen's voice joy quickly snatched her phone from the goldies hands

Before she could pick up the caller had already cut the call from their side. Angry joy grabbed yen's neck tightly "OUCH!" Yen said holding onto joys hands that were stronger

"Leave me joy!" Yen said slowly hitting joys hands to save herself
"Don't you dare touch my things again yen" joy said pressing yens neck tightly "s-stop!" Yen pleaded with tears

"Will you ever touch my things again yen?" Joy asked hands still crushing yen's neck

Goldie quickly shook her head with tears continuously flowing down her face "I want to hear it" joy said
"N-no!" Yen yelled

"Good" joy released yen and went away from there leaving yen alone. The Goldie coughed badly for almost a minute.

Yen checked herself on the mirror and saw big red spots on her neck with four long fingers visible to it

She quickly covered it with her hairs.

Yen left the office right after that incident happened since she was almost done with her work. She couldn't believe joy would do such thing to her.


9:34 at night

Yen woke up from her long nap and saw the timing. "Shit I gotta run!" She said and began to get ready .

While she was washing her face she noticed the red marks on her neck were still visible. It did hurt.

She decided to get an ointment from the pharmacy. Though the store was open 24 hours yen still didn't want to be late .

After getting everything she needed she paid and left the store. The grocery bag on her hands were big and heavy

The walk to her house was ten minutes and yen noticed a short cut which would take only five minutes

Being smart she took the long walking path though it had longer period of time she didn't wanna risk it.

While walking on the road which was almost empty she saw a car approaching her at fast speed.
The car slowed down and stopped right in front of yen. It was a rolls Royce that yen had definitely sat in before. The only additional thing was that it looked much more sexier in its pitch black colour.

A tall masculine figure got out of the car and made her way towards the Goldie "what are you doing here" yen asked obviously recognising the scent and the person

"You know muffin, I wanna make someone's life a living hell" the tall guy said looking straight into yen's eyes shooting draggers.
"So? It doesn't matter you've already made my life a living hell now go find someone else" she said

"You are the hell of my life" The inky haired boy said

Yen was already annoyed so she began to walk with her bag. Jungkook was fast enough to hold her wrist. "Let go jungkook" yen said struggling and trying to get her hands away

"I'll not let you breath in peace I promise this to you." He said deeply

"Muffin" he added

While struggling yen's hair went a little backwards and jungkook's eyes went straight onto her neck.
He quickly left her wrist and held her nape gently to have a clear look.

His eyes winded when he saw such red marks onto her neck. By this time yen was tired and with her full force she pushed jungkook away
And ran from there.

When she ran for about 5 seconds jungkook caught her.
"Who did this to you" he almost yelled after continuously looking at her bruised neck
He tried touching it but yen pushed his hands away

"It doesn't matter jungkook leave me" yen complained

Jungkook had enough as she quickly pulled yen up in bridal style and took her to his car. Made her forcefully sit and asked
"Your house or mine?"

"Hell please" she said angrily
"Hate you so much" he said making sure to tie the seat belt of yen

After reaching yen's house jungkook again held her in bridal style and took her to her room

She knew there was no point fighting as he was much more stronger. Yen was silent the whole time. Remembering her past memories with jungkook

He slowly put yen onto her on the mini sofa and began checking her bag for ointments
"Where are the medicine?" He asked going through her bag
Yen removed the ointment and began opening it up
"Leave it"

Jungkook practically snatched the ointment from her hands and began to take a little amount on his hands
Just when he was about to put it on her neck she backed away
"No I'll do it" she said making faces

"Yen this Time not just your hands but I'll tie your whole body and you won't be able to do anything I swear" he said

He somehow managed to apply the ointment into her neck and blowed it lightly "you hate me then why are you doing all this huh?"

"You don't need to come to the office tomorrow" he said ignoring her question. They were close to each other as jungkook was blowing yen's neck.

Suddenly all the memories flashed into yen's mind and she backed away. "Go away mr jeon" she said
"Don't show your fake care to me I know you hate me and I hate you more" she said backing away

"I do hate you, but I once loved you with an unwavering and boundless devotion"
He said looking straight into her eyes then leaving her house. "It's all in past yen don't think about it" the Goldie said to herself

The same night jungkook called joy again and said "did you see a red mark on yens face in the office?"

"N-no sir" she replied "check the cctv footage and let me know everything joy please"
"Okay mr jeon"

"I want every detail of yen in the office and if you saw anything unusual send it to me quickly it's urgent" jungkook sounded furious

That same night joy deleted every footage of the camera and began to think of an excuse. Mr jeon literally pleaded for that yen! Joy thought



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