I typed in "jobs near me" and all that popped up was Craigslist ads from meth addicts. "Near me" isn't a good idea. I used to work at a fancy bar, but the law required we live at least 3 to 4 blocks away. Hence- I live in the shadiest part of Mount Rageous. Running my tongue over my top teeth, I searched something else. "Job openings Mount Rageous".

This time, I was met with more worthy job offerings. I was desperate, so I clicked the first link. It sent me to a page full of Job offerings, but a specific one was highlighted. "Receptionist for V&V productions!".

Fuck. No.

I've never closed out of a tab so fast. Before I did, my eyes glazed over the starting pay amount. I have also, never reopened a tab so fast. A whopping 22.63 an hour sat in place. My breath was caught in my throat. Receptionists actually get paid that much? I stared at the screen, contemplating even accepting it. If Velvet hooked up with me a week ago- she'll do it again. And constantly fighting with Orchid would get exhausting.

But, on the other hand- that pay check would be more than I've ever gotten paid.

I groaned, slapping my cheeks. I huffed, weighing my options. This was a hard decision, but I decided to just click the offer. Another tab opened, displaying a question. "Would you be okay with a virtual interview?" I thought that was weird but I clicked yes. I didn't know those exi-

Ring Ring Ring

..I was getting a zoom call. I didn't know they meant now! How desperate do they have to be for them to be waiting on a response? I ran my fingers through my hair, clearing my throat as I pressed accept.

In an office chair, sat what I thought was a dog. But it had glasses. A hair tie. And it was speaking to me. "Hello! I'm Crimp, thank you for accepting a virtual interview. Why do you think your uh.. why are you interested?" She seemed more nervous than I was. "Well.. I was just fired for someone else's wrongdoing. I need a job and when I looked for one- this was the first to pop up."

Is that the wrong answer? Should I have lied? I feel like I should have just said that my job sucks. Maybe then it would be more believable. "Alright, and when can you start?" ..what? I raised an eyebrow, almost if asking if she was serious. "Oh! Uhm, before I ask that. I do have to give a disclaimer- the last receptionist quit because of harassment.." she trailed off, biting her bottom lip.

No surprise on that front. I waved it off, answering her question. "Uh- whenever you'd like-" I was cut off by Crimp violently telling me the Address. "Please hurry, we've been looking for days and Velvet is making me do it." The screen went black as Crimp hung up.

That was..something. I rolled back, taking in everything that happened. No background check, nothing? I took a moment to catch my breath, taking in the events. I have a feeling, that I just made either the best of worst mistake of my life. Standing up, I grabbed my phone and headed for the door. As I slipped on a pair of shoes, I tucked my empty wallet into my back pocket. Swiftly taking the keys off of the hook by the front door, I left.

Turning on my heels, I locked the door behind me. After doing the normal, "turn the knob two times to make sure it's locked", I headed for my car.

I didn't have a fancy car- it was a small black one that had oil transmission problems. And to use the break, I had to slam on it. God forbid someone pull out in front of me- those hospital bills aren't going to be pretty. Pressing the unlock button, I opened the door to the vehicle. It was smell stained with Mexican food and cigarettes from the past owner. Switching on the car, I pulled out of my driveway.

The nerves were screaming in the back of my mind, telling me to just stand everyone up. I mean, how hard could it be to make up an entirely new identity? Plane tickets don't cost a lot, I don't think.

Playing with the skin on my bottom lip, I felt my breath catch in my throat. To match the mood, the universe sent rain pouring down over my vehicle. I grumbled, turning on my windshield wipers. These conditions are awful- not to mention that I don't have a designated parking spot. I'll have to walk in the rain. Today's events are not working against my favor. However, this money at the end of the week is going to be sweet!

I turned down a road I've never even heard of. Probably because I was never given the luxury of having a reason. I frowned, looking at the packed parking lot of the office building. I drove around for what felt like forever until I found a parking spot...at the opposite end of the lot. Pressing my foot against the floorboard, I managed to get the car into a gentle stop. Switching the car off, I watched as the rain poured down outside. I think I'm just unlucky.

I grabbed all of my belongings out of the front seat, shoving them in my never ending sized pockets. Perks of wearing big clothes?

I threw the door open, feeling the rain pour down on my head. I jogged towards the big building, the objective to just get inside. Of course though- this wouldn't be easy. Even from the distance I was at, I could see the mountain of paparazzi out front. My feet collided against the wet pavement as I slowly creeped my way towards the revolving doors.

Once I even got close to the paparazzi, many of them swarmed me. "Do you work for the company?" "Do you know the twins personally?!" "Are you suing?" "Are you angry with the twins?" "Are the allegations true?" "What's your name?"

"Leave her alone."

I heard a males voice through all of the clutter, from under the balcony. Looking through my wet bangs, I saw Veneer. He was much prettier up close. He offered me a hand, which I gladly took. He managed to get us both past the mountain of people and through the doors.

"Well, you look like you've been through it!" He jested, wiping his wet hand on his shirt.

I nodded slowly, laughing with him. I heard soft padding of feet coming towards us, it looked to be a small..mop? Oh that's crimp.

"Hello! The front desk is where you'll stay, unless on break. Which you can take outside or in the break room on the third floor. Follow me, and hurry!" Crimp pulled on my pants leg, much to her avail I followed to save myself the embarrassment of her not being able to pull me. Veneer and me exchanged glances as I was pulled towards the round desk against a wall. It was grand, it had the best computer I've ever seen.

Papers were neatly stacked and my name was on a gold plate in front of the desk. How..did they know my name? "So, here. Sign this paper, this ensures that anything you see, hear, or witness you will not tell In the circumstance to decide to sue. And on this paper, sign and this ensures you won't sue no matter what you see, hear, or witness. Sound good?" Oh yeah that sounds perfect normal. Dumbed down, that's basically saying that I'm completely devoted to this job.

I took a pen from a nearby cup, thinking. Should I do this? I think this is frankly- sketchy. But I'll be able to see Velvet! Despite everything, I still admired her. I pressed the pen to the paper, signing what felt like my life away.

"Welcome to the company, [Name]. I'll see that you have a splendid time here."



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𝔎𝔦𝔰𝔰 𝔪𝔢 𝔟𝔢𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔢 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔤𝔬 (Velvet x Reader) (Trolls Band Together)Where stories live. Discover now