Chapter 2

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"Hello im Arco" he introduced himself .

Sariel's Pov

"Hello im Sariel" i introduced myself and gave him my hand to shake. " you dont have to introduced your self again lil guy!" He said while shaking my hand. Did he just call me lil guy? Why did he call me lil guy...... "And you are Amy. Right?" He asked while he turnt to Amy. "Y- yes!" Amy said really loudly... we watched each other. But then we hear a noice coming from upstairs.... " WHY THE FUCK HAS NO ONE WOKEN ME UP!!" we heard coming from upstars. Amy hid behind me while i was standing infront of her , ready to atack someone. Hannya and Arco just looked at each other with a "oh shit" look on there faces.

Amon's POV

I was having a really weird dream that i dont dare talking about.... i woke up and looked at my alarm clock and saw that i was late and that i still have to bring my bags to the car. I droped out of my bed "WHY THE FUCK HAS NO ONE WOKEN ME UP!!" I was yelling and standing up. I searched for some trowsers to put on and ran in lighning speed down the stairs. Ready to kick the asses of my sister and the bastard of a father. When i was downstairs i was allready seeing Hannya and my dad, but then i saw Sariel! Who was standing infront of Amy. Looking like he would kick some asses too... cute. I noticed that Sariel turnt red and his fighting pose became weaker. He was letting his guard down. I was wondering why, but then i noticed that i had no shirt on and was technaly standing infront of him. Half naked.. i just went upstairs again and put on my hoodie. When i was about to leave the room i noticed that the bags i packed where gone... did Hannya and dad allready bring them to the car? I will ask them. I went downstairs again. Hannya, dad, Amy and Sariel all had a bag in there Hand. Sariel was the only one who noticed me and turnt red again. "Hannya?" "Yes?" "Have you seen my bags?" I asked Hannya. "Yes. I wanted to let you sleep so i already put them in the car" she answerd. "Oh.. ok.. thank you" i replied. "So that was all of them" i heard my father say who pated my shoulder. "And now that the sleeping beauty is awake now too we can head of to school!" My father said where i was ready to slap him because of the sleeping beauty thing. "Oh! And thanks to you guys for helping us" my dad said while looking at Sariel and Amy. " we always love to help" Amy said. Sariel just nodded.

We all went to the car and talked while driving. "How will we hang out now?" Sariel asked, confusing me. "What do you mean?" I asked him. "You know? You live in school for now and Amy and i dont know what we should do because of the doorms so we didnt prepared anything for it" Sariel said with a sad face. "lets see how the first day of school looks like first! and the rest we can figure out. Ok?" I told him trying to calm him down. "Ok.." Sariel answerd.

We stoped in front of the school, and we where greaded by the teachers who are telling everyone where their doorms are. Great! Amy and Sariel where the first ones who left the car. They wanted to help us but a teacher stopped them and asked them if they where the new 2 studens. Both of them amswerd yes and the teacher wanted to show them the principal office. " we sadly have to go now" Amy said. "Its ok dont worry" Hannya answerd. "But are you still up for the movie?" She asked with a smile. "Yes ofcouse i am!" Amy answerd with a big smile."but i will have to sleep with you then" she noticed. "Its ok! This way we can get to know each other more!" Hannya said excited. Sariel just stared at them and asked Amy if he should bring her clothes if needed, where she answerd yes. They both said their goodbyes and went inside the school.

Sariel's POV

we went inside the school and followed the teacher. "Are you guys friends with Hannya and Amon? " he asked. "I think so... We just met them yesterday" i answerd. "Oh ok! " the teacher replied. After a few minutes he stopped Infront of a door. "principle" was standing on the door. The teatcher knocked on the door and went in after he heard a "come in!" Amy and i followed him. "Hello! You guys must be Amy and Sariel, am i right? " she asked. "yes" i answerd. "Ok! Do you guys already know someone that can show you the whole school? " she asked. "Yes they already have someone" the teacher said. "Oh? Who? " the principle asked. "Hannya and Amon" Amy answerd. "Really? Those two troublemakers?" she asked in disbelive. "I would suggest you guys to stay away from them" she said. "Sorry! But no" Amy and I answerd. " ok! Don't come cry to me because they hit you or broke youre hart! "She said with an annoyed voice. " have you guys prepared for the doorms?" she asked. "Sadly no... " I answerd."ok... tomorrow you guys will bring everything you need" she said. After talking about a few things and rules she called Hannya and Amon in the principle office.

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