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I sighed, looking at the beast that Wanda just.. Made? I didn't had a feeling of relief, or victory. Far away from it, I felt bad. Like we did something bad. Apparently Pietro and Wanda thought different about it, but I knew somewhere, maybe deep, they felt bad too.

"Why?" Wanda asks looking up at me. I shot her a confused look, not totally sure where she was talking about.

"Why do you think it's not good what we did" she says. Oh, she read my mind. Of course she did, I probably looked like I was in deep thought.

"I just.... I don't know okay?" I said, letting one hand resting on my hip. I breathed heavily, still following the green figure that was moving to the city. He was going to hurt a lot of people, I was certain of that.

"We do this to have revenge on Stark," Pietro said, walking to me while looking at me doubtfully. Like he thought I wasn't sure of this plan anymore.

"I know that, okay? But look," I sighed before continueing. "All those people, do you really want to hurt all those people, just to have revenge on Stark? That robot has a terrible life already" I explained, not looking at him while speaking. There was a silence, a silence where everyone was thinking to themselves.

I looked up to to sky, seeing a big thing coming out of space and breaking apart. It became like a robot, I frowned. What the hell was that thing planning to do? I watched it disappear, landing somewhere in the city. I squinted my eyes and heard roars, followed by metal sounds. I hoped the people were okay.

"We have to go," Wanda said suddenly, standing up. First she wankled a bit, but catched her steady in no time.

"Where to?" Pietro asked, letting his glance slide from me, to Wanda.

"Korea," she breathed out, not believing it by herself.

I wanted to say something, but a deep sigh and a complaining voice interrupted me.

"I am not going to carry you all the way to Korea, that's something I certainly won't make" Pietro said while resting his hands on his hips.

I chuckled, somehow I thought it was funny that he wasn't cocky about himself, once.

"You don't have to, Ultron got a plane for us." Wanda answered, blinking a couple of times.

"You can bring us there, can you?" I asked Pietro, smirking slightly. He looked at me with a playful glare before he sped off with Wanda. I started laughing, kicking a little stone that was on the groud.

Soon he came back, picking me up while smirking. "Got you flame girl," he said before running away with me in his arms.

"What are you planning on doing with the... Uhm.. Vibranium?" I asked a bit unsure, scratching the back of my neck while watching Ultron carefully. He turned his gaze for a few seconds to me, before he turned his head back to the sky since he was still controlling the jet.

When he didn't answer within a few seconds, a sigh left my lips. First time I actually asked him something, he ignores me. I still don't feel really comfortable around him, so I didn't had the guts to ask further.

"Revenging the Avengers," he answered which surprised me since I thought he wouldn't answer. Though, I was still disappointed by his word choice. We already knew that and he was still being mysterious.

I glanced at Wanda and Pietro, who sat across me in their seats. I knew they had questions too, but somehow they didn't ask anything. I wondered why.

"With... A rock?" I asked still a bit shy. Well, I wouldn't really call it shy, more like a mixture of fear and curiousness.

"Before we can attack the Avengers, we need to evolve," Ultron spoke up, making this sign with his hand. "That's where the Vibranium is for, we will be powerful. We could destroy the world we know.." He paused for a second "I mean, destroy the Avengers"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2015 ⏰

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