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The cell doors opened and a man mentioned us to come out of it. I shared a worried glance with the twins before obeying and walking after the man. We entered a sort of room with a lot of computers, it looked like something important for this HYDRA base. The man quickly made his way to von Strucker when he appeared, making the twins and I stand alone in a corner, looking a bit nervous. I watched their hands, holding each other. I felt a bit lonely, I wanted to have a brother who cared for me like Pietro did for Wanda, too. But I guess I will never know the feeling of having one.

I closed my eyes and breathed slowly in and out, all the chaos around me was too much. I still felt weak from the experiment, which wasn't a really nice feeling. I felt like all my senses were ornery, making my ears hurt slightly. I had to get out of this, get some fresh air after years. Okay, I just realized that I haven't been outside for years. Years.. How the hell did I manage to live like that?

I opened my eyes, revealing still chaos and two nervous persons in front of me.

"What are we waiting for?" I asked to the twins. They both turned around, looking at me with a confused expression on their faces. I just stayed quiet, looking at them and waiting for an answer.

"What do you mean?" Wanda asked, glancing at her brother for a second.

"I heard the man, he said the Avengers are here. Plus, he said we weren't ready. I think we are, we've been inside this building long enough. At least, I did. I don't know about you guys, but I'm going out there. Kicking some Avengers ass." I said confident, mostly choosing this because I wanted to get out of here. I wasn't really mad at the Avengers, but I didn't like them either. Besides, Tony Stark did hurt my friends (at least that's what I hope they are).

"And, you can finally have revenge on Stark."

The twins looked shocked, but soon their expression changed in a truculent one. They nodded at each other, probably agreeing that it was their time to show them what they got. Showing with who Tony Stark is dealing with.

A tiny smile formed on my lips, so small they probably wouldn't notice it. I was getting quite excited, I was about to get out of this. However, my small smile disappeared when they were both gone and it was only me and some blue dust. Wait... What? Did they left me here? But soon I felt two strong arms, picking me off the ground and spedding off.

A few moments later the cold air touches my skin, causing me to shiver. We were outside in like, 5 seconds?

"Impressive," I complimented when we were both standing on our feet again.

"Yeah, I got my specialties" he smirked, proud of his powers.

"Sure you have" I said while rubbing my arms with my hands. I wasn't used to this cold, but it felt amazing. Something different then the warmth inside. Different then always sweating because of the pain. It felt good.

I looked up in the sky, narrowing my eyes a bit because of the light I wasn't used to. The sky was beautiful though, just like the trees... The snow.. Everything was perfect.

"Katherina," Wanda said, probably not for the first time. "I'll go inside while you and Pietro fight here, outside. You'll take the girl and the archer boy, the others are too strong for now. We haven't had practice so it's for the best" she continued, glancing at Pietro and me every now and then while using her hands to explain her plan.

I nodded, the nerves started to bubble in my stomach. I'm about to have the first fight in my life, against the earth's mightiest heroes. Could be worse right?

"Be careful," I said to Wanda while giving her a quick hug. I patiently waited for them to say goodbye, giving them their time. It has to be hard to leave each other sides, they're twins after all.

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