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I create laugher and smiles,
From light hearted jokes,
But I wish I'd stop talking,
I wish I would choke.

The biggest joke you see,
Is no other than me,
A failure of a man,
Theres nothing else that I'll be.

I'm a facade of myself,
A mirage in the mirror,
I see the reflection,
But the view is growing dimmer.

I don't know who he is,
I don't know what he wants,
He stares at me back,
It feels like a taunt.

All I'm good at are jokes,
I know just what to say,
But I wish I'd be silent,
I wish I'd silently go away.

Maybe one day I'll change,
I'll know just who I am,
But for now I'll be the Jester,
Enjoy my jokes while you can.

Riddles of Woe and Joy (Poetry)Where stories live. Discover now