The 1st of September

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Scars fade or so they tell you.
I suppose it's true that they become less prominent over time.
I still find myself catching a glimmer of them,
Theres a shine from the scars and its caught in my eye.

Its possible one day they will disappear,
or maybe that's just the distraction that is hope.
Perhaps its a little white lie we tell for comfort.
They are getting harder to see in the dark.

However, the 1st of September will never fade.
That is something set in stone.
A cruel reminder returning once a year.
It mocks me greatly and messes with my mind.

Its been two years since the scars appeared.
Or since I inflicted them upon myself.
A punishment for being a failure of man.
A soul unworthy of their love.

I remember how they left me for another.
Someone who I was warned to not worry about.
How I swore and cursed at the world for months.
I promised to never truly love again after that.

Its been two years since the scars appeared.
I've realised I never committed any crime.
I'm content with my choice to love once more.
My love has a mission to show me that I'm enough.

The urge to create more scars has abandoned my mind.
I'm no longer fearful of the 1st of September.
For my love is an angel and he is clutched to my side.
I suppose its true that scars fade after all.


Writers Note:
As of the 1st of September 2023, I am officially two years self harm free.

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