Chapter 32: Taro's Purpose

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Taro stared down at the sleeping Sovanna wondering when she would wake. Two days passed since they returned from Drazlesk. They were in a spare room at the Krokey's underground village. In one bed was Sovanna and another, Kazo. Because he activated the bond as Rider, he would die with Kukkiri.

Supposedly, she's becoming a Guardian now. Taro thought as he watched over Sovanna. Kazo had been in and out of unconsciousness since the death of Kukkiri. Taro still couldn't believe it was over. And he still couldn't believe his magick was finally gone. For so long he felt cursed and as the bearer of the prophecy, that made him twice as stressed about life.

A knock on the door and Rokki came in with water and bread. "You need to eat," he said, setting them on the nearby table.

"You're not worried about her? If she comes back as not the Guardian, I can't unfreeze her heart."

Rokki growled. "You forget. I'm not without magick." He demonstrated his fire magick for the umpteenth time that day. But they both knew what Taro was really talking about. Sovanna as Guardian meant she would outlive them both. She would soon be the only of her kind until the next emerald Guardian was found.

Taro shook his head. Everything always found a way to weigh on his shoulders. Did the universe know he already had a lot on his plate? When Kazo died, he would have to go home as the heir, having tampered with his father's will out of spite for not paying attention to him.

I shouldn't have done that. Birdbrain is right. Did I not think of the what if? What if I lived?


He leapt to his feet when his brother called for him. Taro rushed to the bed and held Kazo's rough hand. Kazo struggled to talk with his cracked beak. A question burned in Taro's head. He had to ask.

"Why did you help her?" Taro implored him. "If you're going to be Kukkiri's follower, do it properly until the end." During the battle when Sovanna was struggling to fight Kukkiri, Kazo shouted at her to aim for Kukkiri's heart before Taro could.

Kazo pursed his beak and sang a birdsong.

"Kazo..." Taro choked as his brother shed tears and then his face froze. His body disintegrated. He was never much of a brother, but per instincts, Taro couldn't help but identify him as his proper nestling and one to love unconditionally. He hated being part Aerisi made him love those he would rather hate. But in this moment of sudden, quiet death, he couldn't help but wish those words were true.

"What he said?"

Naja was there. Taro scowled at the lean Krokey being so insensitive. He hadn't even noticed the Krokeys were all suddenly there. He would rather grieve in silence for the love-hate relationship.

But I'm not evil, he told himself and forced a smile. "See you in another life," he said, "We believe in reincarnation."

He thought he would be mocked like Naja always did with Aerisi beliefs and customs, but to his surprise, Naja came over and rested a hand on his shoulder.

"You'll see him again," Naja said, "Krokeys also believe in reincarnation."

Taro blinked as new tears formed in his eyes. "Thank you. And maybe this time," He gave a weak smile, "he won't be such a pain in the tailfeathers."

"She's waking up!" Rokki exclaimed and now they all rushed to surround Sovanna's bed. Her eyes fluttered open and instead of the usual orange, they were green. The emerald appeared on a golden necklace around her neck. She stared at them, her eyes wandering. Taro took her paw as Rokki took the other. Relief swelled in his heart.

"Thank the Guardians, rise and shine, Vanna," Taro choked on his words.

Sovanna smiled and simply said, "We did it, Taro."

Solar Song, Frozen Fate ✓ | lion girl, frenemies, frost curseحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن