Day Three, Part Three - Recoupling...

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I need to have a chat with Noah in case I have to pick him later. I don't want to give him the wrong impression though, it doesn't work or it didn't work. What's to say it won't work this time?

I rub my face in my hands and start to walk towards him.

"Hey Noah, can we talk?" I ask.

He nods, gesturing for me to lead the way and I head towards the beanbags. I make myself comfortable on one, well as comfortable as I can with the topic I'm about to bring up.

"You're chewing your bottom lip, so what's up?" Noah asks moving a beanbag closer and sitting himself down. 

I immediately stop biting my lip and take a deep breath. "Well as you know it's a girls choice this evening, I just want to know how you are feeling? I mean I don't want to see you go home yet, as I think you deserve to have the chance to find someone. I just don't know how tonight is going to go or who will be choosing first."

"Luna, don't worry about me. If it's my time to go, then it is what it is. I haven't had that connection with any of the girls here, except... just so you know if it was up to me, I'd pick you." He says, looking deep into my eyes.

My heartbeat picks up, I try to chuckle it off. "It didn't work with us though, did it?"

"I think it was just wrong timing, we've got a second chance to be here. I don't want it to go to waste, because we were too scared to try." He says in a serious tone.

My facade breaks as I answer him as honestly as I can. "Noah I am scared of getting hurt again, what happened last time took a little bit of me with it. Things have happened since and I'm not the same person I was then."

"Neither am I, look last time we were here I messed up big time by not choosing you. I've grown up, I'm not looking for a casual hook up." He takes my hand. "I want the real thing."

"I..." I look down at our entwined hands.

A shout across the garden from Miki interrupts our conversation.
"I got a text! Tonight's recoupling will be taking place in 2 hours time, please finish your talks and go get ready. #dresstoimpress #whositgonnabe."

"Luna, just do whatever your gut is telling you." Noah stands up pulling me with him, his arms envelope me in a hug and he kisses the top of my head.

He lets me go and walks off into the villa. I stand frozen on the spot, not knowing what to do.

On one hand it's Noah, we could have the chance to make a real go of it that we didn't get last time, but what's to say I wouldn't get hurt again. On the other hand I definitely have an attraction to AJ and I think the feeling is mutual.

What if they both get chosen? Jeez, this place messes with your head so much! Don't overthink it, nothing has happened yet. I'll deal with what comes.

I head slowly into the villa, racking my brain going back and forth as I make my way to the dressing room. Levi stops me as I'm about to enter.

"Hey Luna, can we..." He rubs the back of his neck.

I put my hand up to stop him. "Chelsea is my best friend, she likes you and I'm not getting in the way. So no we can't talk, please stop."

I push the door open and rush through it, before he can reply.

I don't need a third person in this mess I'm getting myself into. Even if I did fancy him a bit, the way Chelsea looks at him... I can't do that to my bra.

The room is filled with usual chaos as the girls search for what outfit they'll be wearing.
I head to where my clothes are hanging, flicking through a couple of outfits trying to decide how sexy I wanted to play this. A hand softly grazes my arm and I turn my head to see AJ next to me smiling.

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