Day Three, Part Four - Mixed Emotions...

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Noah walks towards me with a grin on his face, then scoops me into his muscular arms. Before we sit down he kisses my cheek, lingering to whisper a thank you into my ear. His hot breath making goosebumps appear on my arm and I can't help but shiver at the closeness.

I wasn't sure if I'd made the right choice picking Noah and for us to be in a couple again, but right now sitting beside him and feeling his warmth next to me it made my body ache to reach out at touch him. Regardless of how much I tried to deny it, there was still a physical pull there and the way a simple whisper made my body react was proof enough and I shouldn't lie to myself about the fact he still makes me feel things.

A text came through telling us the recoupling was over and that Bruno, Will and Tai had now been dumped from the island and had 30 minutes to pack their bags.

Genevieve and Miki get a little teary eyed as they hug the boys before going off to help them pack up their suitcases, while the rest of us stay seated around the firepit letting it sink in that we had to see three people go. Noah squeezes my leg and I lay my head on his shoulder, inhaling his familiar scent.
The others start breaking off into their couples, leaving just Noah and I in the quiet. His hand stayed where it was and I couldn't bring myself to move it off.

Noah clears his throat. "Your speech was interesting. Thank you for picking me. Although, what did you mean when you said about our history and not sure about the long run?"

"Well we have history don't we, I just..." I take a deep breath. "I'm scared history will repeat itself with us, I don't know how I feel about you or us yet. My feelings aren't clear yet about what I want. I'm gonna be truthful, there are other people here that I want to continue getting to know. But seeing you up there, I just knew I didn't want you to go home."

"Thank you." Noah whispers squeezing my thigh.

We sit in silence for a moment, my mind is racing as I try to think of what to say.

Noah speaks first, "I'm scared too you know, I fucked up majorly last time we were here by not choosing you. I don't want to make that same mistake again." He turns towards me, looking deep into my eyes. "If you are going to be honest then so am I and I'm going to put my feelings on the line. You are it for me and I'm sorry it took me coming back here and for waiting so long to say it. I'll give you the time and space you want to get to know other people. Just know that if you make it back to me, I'll be waiting."

I can't tear my eyes away from his, I can see the want in his eyes mixed with a hint of sadness at the thought of letting me go.

Before I can overthink it I collide my lips with his, my hands grab his collar and I pull him closer to me. His hand instantly moves from my leg up into my hair deepening the kiss.
It was heated and messy, like we couldn't get enough of each other and we had to make up for lost time. We pull apart panting at the sudden change of emotions, we rest our heads together while we try to get our breathing steady again.

"Sorry I shouldn't ha..." I was interrupted by Noah's lips on mine again.

He pulls back and smiles. "Never apologise for the kissing."

We both chuckle.

Suddenly I was very aware of how close our bodies had gotten so I moved swiftly back.
I rub the back of my neck. "We probably should go in, see if the guys need help and then say our goodbyes."

Noah nods, and silently follows me into the Villa.

We make our way into the boys changing area and help as much as we can. A few sniffles come from some of the girls and the guys banter about meeting up on the outside for night out. Once the guys had packed their suitcases and were ready to go, we all stood around the doorway to say our goodbyes.
Even though this was our second time here, it wasn't easy seeing people being dumped from the island.

Second ChancesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora