Chapter 10{second kiss}

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There he was standing there while velvet and floyd stared




Afraid of him

He was not sure if he'll let him go ever

The tension between the two of them made velvet stand up from her seat to leave. Floyd gave her pleading eyes not to leave him alone with him

Her brother was creepy......

Veneer eyes darkened, giving velvet the threatening stare like he'll skin her alive if she didn't leave

"Big sister, you got something to do today! Veneer says to her, saying it in his nice way

to leave........or else

"Um......actually venner I do I'll leave you two to it!

As velvet left the room, leaving both veneer floyd alone

Floyd felt veneer's eyes on him, the obsession look on his face. He felt the exact same fear as he had before, except this time. When floyd turned to him, Veneer was hungrily, looking up and down on him

they stared each other down for a few more minutes, not wanting to feel awkward "Look, floyd, what happened that night was a bit too far, I'm sorry.......but to tell you the truth. "You're my soulmate, and I believe it was for a purpose."Veneer said Floyd raised his eyebrow. This boy was insane "Right.....excuse me,I'll be right back."he said and tried to run past him, but he pinned him against the wall, kabedon him while he suddenly grabbed his face and forced him to look into his eyes


He explained, and he looked at him terrified

"Venner, how you gon think I'll forgive you for what you've done to me?! Floyd yelled while veneer looked at him with hurt eyes, and then soon it replaced it with anger and lust

It doesn't matter.....anymore your mine."he said and took his neck in his to kiss it. I gulped, very uncomfortable he still had him trapped against this wall. He felt he was now under veneer's control

"Veneer, please....I can't accept you! He groaned with frustration

"No NO NO, floyd ever since that kiss we did and letters we've sent to one another we told each other how much we loved one another. You can't reject this!!, "he said with desperation in his voice

"Veneer,I told you this relationship was risky and bad enough. I've been taken hostage this long now, and my brothers are worried all over again

"You'll see them soon, but you must accept and love me first and give yourself to me in return!!

Veneer suggested while kissing his neck,grinding himself against him, making Floyd moan he tries to resist, but can't he feel his body was betraying him

Floyd kept moaning until his senses came back this time using full force to push him off.

"NOOO VENEER YOU'VE CHANGED YOURSELF TO BE LIKE ME I CAN'T ACCEPT THIS! Floyd yelled at him, very upset while Veneer started crying

"Floyd, please, I had to. I was too huge for you to handle being a troll like you would actually work between us."he explained he couldn't listen to him any longer."

"we've could've still worked. You did this out of your selfishness, veneer!!"floyd yelled at him and pushed him away from me to walk away

But Veneer immediately grabbed his wrist, falling down on his kness while he was crying

"Please floyd give me a chance and accept me!! I promise I'll do whatever you like. I will do anything for you

He begged while sobbing in pure desperation

"Veneer, that's not how love works, love. Isn't that simple?

"Us trolls have this connection. If we love someone no matter how different, we do the impossible to make it work, and we have this attraction toward others,he explained, and he nodded, understanding

"So attraction and connection can be the first step of us being together.......
Are you attracted to me being a troll floyd? Veneer asked, and floyd sighed are beautiful as a troll venner, what floyd said drove veneer crazy he wasted no time kissing him making it impossible not to love him still

Floyd was under his spell, and it worked

Yandere Veneer x Floyd {My Smaller}Where stories live. Discover now