really? I used to love the sims

You should play it again
If I make u as a sim and put u in a burning building do u think you'd survive

do you want to kill me ..

I wanna see ur survival skills

as a sim? 😭
how would u even make me as one

I would study ur face under a magnifying glass and make sure I have every detail down perfectly ofc


Come here 😁🔎

i think I would survive btw
it cant be that hard

I have faith in u
Guess what


Did u know penguins have knees 

thats so random 😭
where did u find that out

idk I saw it somewhere
I can't believe it's 2024 soon
It's so weird to be performing on New Year's Eve instead of being with family

it does feel weird but u get used to it 😅

Got rehearsals tomorrow though
Oh and don't ignore me backstage again 👎
My feelings were hurt 😟

im really sorry 😖
please dont remind me
now im remembering that night...i still can't believe it

😭😭 it's okay don't worry philosopher boy i forgive u
I'm bored
Do u ever check daily horoscopes
Once I checked it and something actually was true like I was surprised

i haven't checked mine ever lol
what do they say

okay okay wait lemme get urs up

 okay okay wait lemme get urs up

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that is so inaccurate

Don't let jealousy or obsession cause problems Jisung !!

what does yours say
do you think people believe in them

😭😭what does yours say do you think people believe in them

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Backstage love ♮ Park JisungWhere stories live. Discover now