"It's just like pink tinted glass" you shrugged. Sally giggled, "it's more than that dear." She placed a hand on your shoulder. "Do you know if you have any family down here (Y/n)?" Cece asked.

You thought for a while. You had one or 2 aunties and uncles pass. Your great grand parents passed before you met then. "I don't know." You thought out loud. "We'll have to look in to it." Sally said.

Then the door open, "your favourite bartender is here!!" He shouted. You looked towards the door to see a moth looking fellow, brown hair and a little goatee. He had a mole on the right side of his chin.

"Right on time Burst!" Sally said walking over to him, pulling him into a hug. "that's Burst?" You asked Cece, pointing to him. She just nodded to you. "I thought he'd be an old guy, not someone who looks my age." You sweat dropped. Cece just laughed at you. "He's not your age (Y/n), he's been here longer than me." She stood up, dusting herself off.

Sally and Burst walked over, "(Y/n) this is Burst, our bartender on karaoke nights. Burst this is (Y/n)." She gestured to you both. He grabbed your hand and kissed the back of it. "Hello Darling~" he purred. "oh hi!" You said, blushing a little.

"Burst, no flirting with other staff members!" Sally smacked him upside the head and said a small sorry to you. Cece had a scowl on her face, "Must you flirt with everyone?" she turned away. You watched her walk away, "nice meeting you." You said to Burst before catching up with her.

She walked to the back room, "Cece? What's up?" You asked sitting down with her. "it's nothing" she said looking away from you. "Cece~" you poked at her a little, she wiggled away a little. "You like Burst, don't you~" you cooed to her. "W-what... Was it that obvious?" She looked down, blushing. You chuckled a little. "No, Cece. I just have a nack for knowing these things." You sat down next to her. "It's stupid right?" She looked up at you, almost looking hopeless. You took her hand in yours, "No, it is perfectly fine to have a crush Cece." You smiled at her.

She sighed, "he's just such a big flirt, can never tell when he's serious about it." Looking away from you. "It'll be fine, if he doesn't see it then there's more Demons left in the sea." You laughed. She giggled a little. "That's true. But what about you? Anyone peaked your interest?" She turned fully towards you, way too interested in this. "No actually, I was married when I was alive." You shrugged it off with just that.  She nodded, trying to understand.

"(Y/n)? Cece?" You heard Sally say walking closer to you two. "Here Sally" you said sitting a little straight. "Ah, there you are. You two just walked off." She placed her hands on her hips. "Just needed a little privacy." You smiled, looking at Cece. She nodded. "What were you two gossiping about?" Sally clicked her tounge and pointed to the door. No one said anything.

"Well there's no point in keeping it to yourself! You can talk to me" sally said walking closer. You just spat it out, "Cece has a crush on Burst." Nudging her, she blushed again. Sally Oooed in response. "I might just have to hit him again now" She started to walk away but stopped. "Anyway, the cafe is done. Just need the people and the Singers~" she point towards you, slowly walking backwards.

When she left you turned to Cece. "I'll be fine. Always am (Y/n)" she smiled at you, causing you to smile back. "Right, let's get this show on the road." She jumped up off the box, you followed her back out to the front.

The cafe was almost packed with people. This stunned you a little, making you nervous about singing tonight. You scanned the room to see Sally talking to a woman dressed like an old show girl. She waved you over. "(Y/n) this is Mimsy, the famous singer~" sally gestured to her, she waved at you. "Mimsy, this is (Y/n) our successor."

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