Part 1

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When Tav and Astarion arrive at the party, it is well underway. Tav can hear the chatter and laughter the moment they step through the portal. It snaps closed behind them with a rush like wind. Tav turns towards Astarion, trying to read his expression.

He hadn't really wanted to come. He had expressed as much when Tav read the invitation to him weeks ago. It had been hand delivered by an unknown elf in a bone white mask during one of the first masques they had thrown since the conclusion of their adventures. "In the forest?" Astarion's nose wrinkled in disgust. "By the hells, why would that bag of bones drag us all out there again when I have a perfectly comfortable palace right here in Baldur's gate?"

Tav bit their lip, mulling over their thoughts, trying to find the right answer. It's neutral ground. Not everyone left on amicable terms. Old friends might be uncomfortable in the seat of your... our power. No. That might be the truth but not one he'll want to hear. "It's poetic. Back to where we began. Our first camp outside the Emerald grove, right next to the sea." Tav smiled wistfully. "It's fitting to bring us all back together where we first met."

Astarion had rolled his eyes but he could tell Tav, his precious treasure, desperately wanted to go. A slim smile graced his angular face. "When you put it like that, I can nearly forget the fleas that will no doubt follow us home. And we have enough blood suckers here." A true smile had finally broken as he chuckled at his own words. Tav smiled too.

Astarion doesn't smile now. They had argued before leaving the palace. It seems like all they do anymore, particularly if there's something Tav is invested in. How had this fight started? It was hard to remember. Tensions had been mounting over the tenday leading up to the party. Astarion must be just as nervous as I am. Seeing everyone again. Tav closes their eyes, pulling in a deep breath and shaking the nerves out of their hands. "Okay... ready?"

"When you are." Astarion answers dispassionately. At least the argument seems to have stayed at home for now and there's no time to dwell on it; he's moving into the glow of the bonfire and Tav follows.


They hear their name cheered from every direction and Tav beams. Looking past the glare of the fire to the assembled crowd. Everyone had come! Karlach stands beside Wyll. Tav can feel the threatening prickle of tears. They had never gotten to say goodbye, didn't even know if she survived... but here she is and she's radiant with life. Tav shoots a quick look to Astarion, an unspoken request. He sighs, probably annoyed at being abandoned so soon at a party he didn't want to be at, but he waves his hand dismissively and Tav can feel their own cheeks burn with the force of the smile that breaks across their face. "I'll be right back."

Tav runs to her. To Karlach. "Gods..." the breath catches in their throat but no words come to mind. Tav flings themselves around Karlach who is laughing and crying too. "Gods." they say again. Tav is soaking up Karlach's warmth, it chases the cold and anxiety right out of Tav's body. The scent of her blood like spiced wine seeps through the vents in her skin, hidden under the stink of sulfur. She's been back in Avernus. Finally they pull apart.

"Hey-ya, Soldier." Karlach says like no time has passed at all.

"How? How are you here? I thought you..." Tav's voice falls away. There is no right way to say this. "You said you'd never go back." Tav's eyes drink in her face, the sparks in her hair, the glow reflecting off her horn.

"I know." Karlach nods looking pained. "And I meant it when I said that, but at the docks after you left, my chest burned and it was so hot and painful. But then" and she smiles, remembered relief spreading across her face and she looks at Wyll who returns her adoring gaze. "Wyll reached out and took my hands. He promised to go with me, that I'd never be alone again. Suddenly Avernus didn't sound like such a hell anymore."

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