Eighteen: Nadia

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I strode through the night-covered forest, the Keeper just ahead of me. Delta, currently in his puppy form, was bounding back and forth along our path, jumping playfully as we traveled. A light rain drizzled from the sky above, trickling along the pine needles of the trees before drumming against the foliage and earth below.

"Where are we going?" I asked after a while.

"We're here," the Keeper replied, stopping at the edge of the woods. He dropped into a crouch, hiding behind a patch of ferns. I crouched beside him, while Delta sat between us, panting happily. The last time I was with them, one ear was still drooped over. Now, both ears stood tall, the tips pressed together. They looked too big for his body, but I knew he'd eventually grow into them.

I was shocked to find myself staring at the Wolf Valley Sheriff Station just outside of town. A cruiser turned out of the parking lot and out of habit I lowered my body even further, hoping to avoid detection.

"They won't see us," the Keeper said, turning to face me with an amused grin. "Your physical body isn't even here, so they won't see you." He gestured to himself and Delta before saying, "And I'm using a simple spell with lesser magic to mask our presence. We're safe."

"This is my dad's station," I said. Sure enough, there was his cruiser parked in his designated spot. "What are we doing here?"

"He led us here," the Keeper replied, reaching down to ruffle Delta's ears. "This is where he and I must part ways."


"He cannot stay with me any longer," he said. "The Slayers are gaining ground with every day that passes, and with their resources, they will catch up. It's only a matter of time."

"So, what?" I demanded. "You're just going to leave him on the doorstep like an orphan from the eighteen hundreds?"

The Keeper chuckled. "Something like that," he said. "You have nothing to worry about, young mage. From here, the young hatchling will be brought directly to you. When he is, your souls will unite and he'll be safe again."

He spoke calmly, with such confidence that I couldn't find the power to argue with him. He turned to Delta, gazing into his eyes as he said, "We must part ways now. I will make my way back to the Isles somehow. One day, you and your mage will find me, and I'll tell you everything you need to know about your parentage and your great bloodline."

The Keeper reached out, an envelope in one hand and a strap of leather in the other. He secured the envelope with the leather, then wrapped it around Delta's neck like a collar. Then he stretched both hands out, gripping the hatchling's face gently as he pressed their foreheads together. Then, rising to his feet, he gave us a final farewell wave before turning and striding off, the darkness of the forest swallowing him up.

Delta whimpered as he stared after the place where the Keeper had disappeared. After giving him a moment to mourn his caretaker's departure, I rubbed his ears and said, "Come on. Time to bring you home."

Delta barked and spun around, taking off out of the woods. My heart lurched as he darted across the road, but luckily no cars passed by. I quickly followed after him, not wanting to let him out of my sight until I knew he was safe and secure.

He was at the front door of the station as I caught up, whimpering and barking as he scratched at the door. He lowered himself onto his haunches as I approached, staring up at the door expectantly.

We waited for only a moment before the door swung open, revealing my father. I held my breath, hoping what the Keeper said was true and that I couldn't be seen. His words seemed to have been true—Dad looked back and forth, his gaze passing over me before settling on the puppy.

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