around you | p.p.

Start from the beginning

"Thanks for saying that, man. I really hope I could make it work if I ever got the chance. Because I really like this girl. I would never hurt her." Peter said as he swung his locker back open. He heard a clash, followed by a pained whine. Peter frowned and shut his locker only to find you standing right there with both hands over your nose.

"Y/n?!" Peter gasped in shock when he realized what he had done.

"Ouch." You winced and pulled your hands away from your nose. Peter watched your eyes widen when you saw the amount of blood that had gushed out of your nose.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there." Peter quickly apologized as he fumbled around his pocket for a tissue.

"Yeah, it really felt that way." You said as you pinched your nose and tilted your head up to try and stop the bleeding. Peter pulled out a bunch of tissues and gently held them up to your nose as his other hand went to the back of your head. You made eye contact for a minute and you found the look of absolute panic on Peters face to be quite adorable. You smiled a little, but quickly stopped when it made your nose throb angrily.

"Ow." You flinched and put your hand over Peters to hold the tissues in place. Peter gulped and felt his face flush at the first time the two of you had not only spoken, but made physical contact.

"I'm so sorry, Y/n. Can I take you to the nurse?" Peter offered.

"Yes please." Your voice came out nasally due to your nose being pinched.

Peter wrapped one arm around you and kept the other on your nose as he walked with you to the campus nurse. He sat with you in the waiting room and gave you a fresh bouquet of tissues to soak up the still flowing blood.

"Is it bad?" You asked him, still not having seen yourself. You had blood all down your face and neck but Peter was not about to tell you that.

"No. It's not bad." He said unconvincingly. You gave him a skeptical look and pulled the tissues away to inspect the damage.

"Oh God. That's a lot of blood." You gulped when you saw the saturated tissue.

"Is it? I don't think its that much." Peter played dumb in an attempt to keep you calm.

"You said it wasn't bad. I look like I just ate somebody." You laughed and playfully shoved him.

"I was trying to make you feel better. Your nose looks like that "Can't Help Myself" robot." Peter smiled a little now that he had heard you laughing. It felt just as amazing as he imagined and hoped it meant you weren't mad at him.

"Oh good. That's my favorite artwork." You laughed again and it sent a flush to Peters cheeks.

"It is? That wasn't too niche of a reference to make?"

"It probably was. But I understood it." You shrugged. You and Peter looked at each other again as a comfortable silence settled between you. It wasn't much, but it was a rare moment of feeling seen for the both of you.

"How'd you know my name, by the way? I heard you say it after giving me a face full of locker." You asked Peter as he switched out your tissues for fresh ones.

"Oh, uh, I asked one of your friends what it was. Gwen told me, I think." Peter admitted without looking into your eyes.

"You asked her what my name was? Why?" You laughed shyly and anxiously waited for the answer.

"Because I wanted to know it." Peter said simply as he finally looked into your eyes. Your jaw dropped a little then closed in a smile. No boy had ever sought out your name before, at least not to your knowledge, so you couldn't help but feel flattered by the gesture.

peter parker/tom holland imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now