"Kane, focus." Gaius tries to get Kane's attention back on him. "You wanna win don't you?"

"Gaius, maybe to get him to have your attention you should at least get to know him." I say. "Asked him some questions about his home."

"From what I remember I don't think they called you to be his mentor." Gaius says to me in a stern demeanor.

"It's fine, what were you saying again?" Kane says in a saddened tone to Gaius.

My brows frown sadly at the little boy, while Gaius smiles and continues to talk about how if the hiding doesn't work then killing is the next option. It was sad to see that Gaius couldn't even take a moment to get to know his tribute, or even meet him at the zoo.

My eyes started to wander to my classmates and their tributes. I saw Pup with his, she was crying into her hands. Causing me to feel bad for the little girl. I found Vespara and Babette talking. Looks like the girl warmed up to Vespara, which Vespara had a thing of doing. And suddenly I heard a loud noise of chains. I turn and Seen it was Clemensia and her tribute who had jumped at her, or at least tried to but held back by his chains on his wrist. Which all the tributes had on.

"He kinda has a hatred for anything capital." Delta says.

"I can see." I say. "Now what weapon are you good at using?"

Delta thinks before she speaks again. "I'm good with a sickle."

"A sickle?" I say. "The thing to cut wheat?"

"I only ever used it on wheat, but it could do damage to a person." She says. "I only know this cause of this one guy my dad had to help."

"I never got a clear answer on what led up to it but the guy named Rye gotten into a altercation with some other guy, causing that guy to stab him in the side with his sickle." She says.

"Did the guy that got stabbed alright?" I ask.

"Oh yeah, my dad fixed him up and in a month Rye was back to like he was before." Delta says.

"I'll make sure they put in a sickle for you." I laugh, as I write it down.

"Are you expecting me to kill a lot?" She says in a kinda cold tone.

"Look, only kill when you have to." I say putting my hand on top of her cuffed one. "If you don't want to I'm not going to force you."

"Snow! Dovecote!" I hear a voice call out.

My eyes watch as Clemmie and Coriolanus meet at the entrance. There they both walk out together. It hits me that they were doing that project for Dr Gaul. But something about this made me have an uneasy feeling. Anything dealing with the gamemaker herself caused that odd feeling in my stomach.

She slowly looks at my hand and back at me. "To be honest, I'm probably only going to be protecting Kane and Dill in there."

"What about Reaper?" I ask.

"Him too, we both agreed last night that we would both lookout each others district partner as well as our own." She says.

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