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Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.



Highbottom says to us before walking out of the room. Today was the day where we would have fifteen minutes with out tribute to discuss strategy and after view the arena. Everyone was sat with their tribute, where the tributes were handcuffed to the table.

It was the day after the incident in the zoo, resulting in the deaths of Arachne and her tribute. I wasn't much fond of Arachne, but I still felt sad knowing she was gone, and in such a way like that too. I didn't get much sleep because of it. Having the whole thing replay in my mind over and over again like a bad movie.

After Highbottom left I look to Delta who was already looking at me. She looked tired, but I couldn't blame her. They put her and the others in a cage and made them sleep in the floor. I thought of sneaking off the night prior to give her maybe a blanket. But I don't know if that's allowed or not.

"I'm-I'm sorry about your classmate." Delta speaks.

"It's alright." I say, then grabbing the note pad and paper on the table. "I wasn't really her friend but it kinda hurts still to know she's not with us no more."

Delta simply nods her head. It hits me that I haven't asked how she was after that. After seeing a fellow tribute fall down dead.

"I'm also sorry about Brandy, such a sad way she went out." I say.

"I didn't know the girl long, but she wasn't all a bad person." Delta says.

"Uh anyway." I say taking the note pad in one hand and the pen in the other, trying to turn the conversation around from dying people. "For starters, how did you sleep last night?"

"Not that great, the ground wasn't comfortable." She says. "And it was little cold."

"And again, I'm sorry their making you stay in that cage." I say. "I should have at least brought you a blanket."

"It ain't you fault." She says. "Kane and Dill slept relatively good, that's kinda all that matters."

Delta then looks to the left of her where Kane was sat with Gaius, Causing me to look over as well. Gaius kept going on and on about how Kane should ditch his fellow partner and Allies. To go hide somewhere in the arena and wait it out. Which to me wasn't a good idea. I've seen the arena in the pass few years, it was made to be impossible to hide in. Made like that so the killings would happen faster and quicker. While Gaius was talking, Kane had made eye contact with me. I give him a gentle smile and little wave, he also does the same.

EAT YOUR YOUNG|TBOSBASTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang