The Rolling Stones (no, like, literally) :129:

Start from the beginning

Jaw slack, he only stared. "He just left! You never run into a fight without a plan of-"

"See you down there teach!" Sora yelled, hopping into her mech and launching off the edge of the Plume as well.

Glancing down to you, Lloyd rubbed his face. "Isn't the point of being a student to listen to your teachers? Were we this bad with Master Wu?"

You pressed your lips into a thin line, tilting your head to him. "You think we were better than them at all?"

He sighed, lowering the ship to a point you could leap off. "No, it was just hopeful thinking." Lloyd jumped off, using Spinjitzu to get to the fight faster.

Crouching down on a short cliff, you surveyed the area. The Craglings were fighting dragons, that was certain. But why? There had to be a reason. As you went to leap down and join the fight, the voice popped up.

Fire good. Wings bad.

Dragons might be able to breathe fire, but wings bad? So flying dragons bad and fire breathing ones good? What did that even mea-

An entire wall of fire surrounded the fight, closing in on the dragons. Oh. That fire. The fire felt familiar, as if- Oh.

Running in front of the dragons beside Lloyd, you frowned. "Lloyd- I don't think the dragons are-"

Using fire, a red figure launched themselves over the rock monsters, landing in front of you. Kai was here. And he was fighting for the Craglings. "GET OUT OF HERE-... Lloyd? Y/n!? Why are you fighting for the dragons?!" He yelled, ripping his hood off.

Lloyd scrunched his nosebridge, before letting his features fall. He leaned forward, wrapping his arms around Kai. "I missed you."

You could vaguely hear Sora and Arin muttering behind you as Kai grabbed you as well. "You're okay! Fuck- I'm glad Lloyd found you." He sighed, patting your back.

The dragons flew off, returning to wherever they came from.

"Weird you're fighting innocent dragons now though.." Lloyd hummed, watching the Earth Dragons fly away.

Scrunching his face, Kai pulled back from your hug. "Innocent?! Those fucking dragons have been attacking us for weeks! They've been attacking the village!"

He opened his mouth to speak, then shut it, nervously rubbing the back of his neck. "I uhm, that, uh- does.. shed some new light on the situation. It's been crazy recently.."

Sighing, you shook your head. "It has been quite the experience.. How are you? How did this all even happen?"

Kai rolled his eyes, grabbing your shoulder. "I'll tell you inside, but first- are these your kids? Like- yours and Lloyds?" He attempted to whisper, but it came out as more of a yell.


Flushing pink, you groaned, tilting your head to the sky. "I- no." You groaned.

"They're our students!" Lloyd piped up, his entire face and ears a slight pink as well. "We're 23.. -24..?- for the masters sake!"

Kai started walking, humming. "Sure."

Smirking, Sora walked beside you. "You'd be a cool mom, but Lloyd would end up loosing Arin in the middle of an empty room."

Lightly flicking her forehead, you scoffed. "Scratch the student part, more like hitchhikers who are constantly starving."

"Mmm.. I would love some food right now.." Arin laughed, yawning. "I should've made snacks to bring.."

Kai elbowed Arin, grinning. "Good thing we got food here then!" He stopped just before a door, waiting as it opened up. "This is King Crag-Nor."

A larger Craglings stomped out, the rocks on his head forming some sort of crown. Even by the way he held himself he seemed important. "Ninja Kai, our beloved guardian. Who do you bring to our gates?"

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