chapter 2: The Star Destroyer.

Start from the beginning

That's why he resorted to this, a dirty tactic to end his torment.

-Who is speaking?

A male voice spoke from the other end of the line.

-Excuse me, are you Mr. Seijuurou Uehara?

The man in question was Himekaya's wife's husband. Now everything depended on how the husband would handle things next.

-Yes, it's me. What do you want? I'm a busy man to waste time with someone I don't know.

Hikaru smiled. Judging by what he had seen so far, this would end badly for Airi, one way or another.

-I believe I have information that might interest you.

He smiled like he had never smiled before in his life. A smile full of all the darkness and resentment he had cultivated over the years.

Many would swear they saw two dark stars forming in his eyes.

Hikaru opened his eyes. The memory presented itself in the form of a dream, something that had been haunting him all night.

A strange feeling formed in his chest. He doesn't know what it was exactly, guilt perhaps? He shook his head.

There's no way in hell he would feel guilt for that woman.

It had been almost two weeks since that day. He hadn't heard any news of a confrontation between husband and wife. He wondered if the man forgot everything that happened and ultimately did nothing.

If that were the case, he would have no choice but to take revenge into his own hands.

He got up from his bed. He had to go to the Lala Lai theater in a few hours.

Ai had stopped coming to the workshop as soon as her idol career took off, and he had to admit that he missed her presence in a way. The young people he worked with were picky and annoying, as most had grown up in a golden cradle and knew nothing about respect. Dealing with that kind of people was frustrating him a lot.

Sometimes he just wanted to grab a knife and kill them all.

He went to the living room for breakfast. His manager would pick him up in about three hours at most.

He turned on the television in his living room. He always did it to make his apartment not feel as lonely as it always did.

Loneliness was something he had gotten used to over time. Everyone wanted to be friends with Hikaru, the child prodigy. But no one wanted to be his friend outside of his fame and prestige. Something he had gotten used to.

The news channel was running its morning program.

-Breaking news! The bodies of Airi Himekaya and Seijuurou Uehara have just been found lifeless in their rural home! Not much news at the moment! The police have not issued any statements about it! Some neighbors say they heard screams that lasted about an hour! Before hearing a loud gunshot, followed by another shortly after! It is presumed that one of the two involved shot the other before taking their own life! The couple's fortunate child is safe and unharmed! Everyone is referring to this as the "suicide of love"! Stay tuned to your television, as we will notify you as soon as we have new updates on the case!

Hikaru's mind disconnected when the reporter changed the topic. A smile formed on his face. A faint laugh came out of his mouth, followed by another. His laughter grew louder as minutes passed.

He lost track of how long he had been laughing. But who cares, this was fun.

-"Suicide of love"? What a ridiculous name- Hikaru slumped onto the couch.

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