Chapter 201 - A Destined Encounter

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Nothing could have prepared Medrauta and Viviane for what awaited them at the top of the Spire.

Though there was no ceiling above the vast floor of the Spire's zenith, a globe of darkness around the structure cast an eternal night upon its surface, rejecting the warm rays of sunlight cast by the noonday sun. Silver lanterns floated in the air, illuminating the area with pale blue flames that cast an eerie glow on the black stones beneath.

A chill ran down Viviane's spine as she progressed through the dimly lit darkness with her knight, the two of them proceeding cautiously. Despite their enhanced vision, neither Viviane or Medrauta could see further than a few feet in front of themselves, and the ghostly flames of the hovering torches gave off an unsettling feeling despite being the sole source of light.

The torches were placed in a strange linear fashion that made it seem as though they were intended to show any visitors the way forward, but Medrauta doubted this section of the Spire entertained guests regularly, if at all. Even so, the severe lack of vision left her with no choice but to follow the trail of torches, her suspicion only beginning to grow as the torches slowly burned brighter and brighter.

"O-Oof!" Viviane winced as she slammed into Medrauta's back. She had kept her head down during most of the journey, clinging onto Medrauta's hand and trusting her knight to lead the way.

With Medrauta abruptly stopping in her tracks, Viviane had looked up, intending to ask her knight what was wrong. But there was no need.

The moment she raised her head, her question had been answered immediately.

Viviane clapped a hand to her mouth, suppressing the urge to vomit. She clenched her jaw tightly, averting her eyes at the horrifying sight before her. While she had seen her fair share of horrors and violence during the campaign in the former Revelo duchy, never had she seen such a blatant disregard for life.

What stood before the pair could only be described as gruesome. A woman's body lay crucified on a cross of black stone, her limbs twisted and mutilated to resemble a sword. Silver blood dripped from countless wounds, pooling at the base of the cross. Her dark blue hair that was once resplendent and beautiful now hung ragged from her head, strands falling out with every breath she took.

"It can't be..." Medrauta's eyes widened in shock and horror as she stared at the crucified figure, unable to believe what she was seeing. "Lady Merlynne...?"

Part of Medrauta wished it was just a mistake. After all, she hadn't seen the woman in years. But as much as she wanted to simply pretend that it was someone who looked similar, she knew that couldn't possibly be true. Though it now felt more like a dull blade compared to the razor-sharp sword Medrauta remembered, the aura around the blue-haired woman was undeniable.

In response to her voice, the woman stirred. She raised her head with great effort, looking at the pair with silver eyes that were dull and lifeless like overused blades left unsharpened. Her cracked lips parted slightly, producing a rasp that managed to form barely understood words.

"...Medrauta and the Child of Eventide... You've come at last."

Viviane shuddered as she heard the woman's voice, forcing herself to gaze at the disfigured form on the cross once more. Upon closer inspection, she found that she recognized the woman. Dark blue hair, silver eyes, and the dulled yet unmistakably bladelike aura. Viviane recognized it all. "It's you... You're Emrys...!"

Medrauta frowned at the name. The true identity of the mysterious "Emrys" was a conclusion she had tentatively drawn after regaining all of her memories, but hearing it confirmed felt strange. Had they met in any other situation, Medrauta would've asked what exactly Merlynne had told Viviane in the Lake, but she knew there were far more pressing problems at the moment.

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