Hyun-Su x Reader || Seven || NSFW

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A/N: As usual, this is the same relationship as in the other Hyun-Su parts.

This chapter contains explicit sexual descriptions. Please do not interact if you are a minor.


There is something about watching Hyun-Su moving around in your house that warms your heart in a way you can't quite explain. He's seemed more confident there lately, no longer tiptoeing or stiffening around you like you could kick him out any second. It reminds you of days forever gone, when your mom used to sit at the table while doing her crosswords and your dad put music on the second he walked in through the door.

It reminds you of when this house was a home.

Right now, Hyun-Su's fixing up a spear he's brought here with some of your dad's tools. It's not his, you know that much. 'Yi-Kyeong asked me to take care of it', he'd said when he had set to fix it. There was something to his tone that had stopped you from asking for more, even if you think he'd have told you. He'd said her name respectfully, but with deep sadness, and you had known that there was a lot more to this story. You'd get there some day, you were sure, but not tonight.

Hyun-Su glances up at you, and you almost whip your head away to pretend you weren't looking at him, like you're a highschooler with a crush. Instead, you don't even try to make it look like the long forgotten book in your lap is of any interest to you, and you give him a smile.

He stills his movements.

"Is something wrong?"

His voice is calm and deep. He sure has come a long way.

"Just like looking at you," you answer, because it's true, and even with all that progress, you're not surprised when Hyun-Su looks away from you, cheeks turning red.

When he gets the courage to look back at you, though, a bashful smile illuminates his features, and you don't think that would have happened even as recently as a few weeks ago.

"You do?"

There's just something in the air. Something fresh and sweet and new, something that makes you bite your lower lip while you nod, suppressing the giggle that's forming in the back of your throat. Hyun-Su's eyes on you feel intense, and you're not used to getting that kind of look from him. After a few seconds of that, he abandons the spear behind him to stand up and walk towards you, eyes not leaving yours for a second.

A long, intense shiver runs down your back. Under his hoodie, you can see the muscles of his shoulders moving as he walks, and fleetingly, you wonder if you'd have had a chance with him, in a world without the Apocalypse, but even that is quickly swallowed by the fact that you have him now.

He puts a hand on the back of the couch as he leans close to you to kiss you, the other coming to rest on your waist and oh, if he keeps doing things like that, you think you'll just turn into a puddle. Your heart is fluttering, and when his hand sneaks under your t-shirt, long, cold fingers carefully caressing your skin, you think it just might fly out of your chest.

His lips move slowly against yours, and you tilt your head back as he towers over you. You feel like you're going into overdrive from how sensual he's being, how his tongue dances with yours as the soft sounds of the kiss fill the room. It's not long before he's gently pushing you onto your back on the couch, and he goes down with you, putting one knee between your legs to support himself.

And it's all just so much. Hyun-Su's lips, his taste on your tongue, his warm body half-covering yours, his fingers running over your ribs, and, fuck, now his knee just almost, almost pressing right where you need him to.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 10 ⏰

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