Kim Yeong-Hu x Reader

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"You do realize that there are two doctors in here, right?" you ask as you enter the room, not bothering to greet the man sitting on the examination table.

Sergeant Kim Young Hu's eyes follow you as you walk to the sink to wash your hands. Around his bicep, a makeshift bandage seeped with red. By the looks of it, it isn't the worst state you've seen him in.

"I'm not letting that lunatic touch me," he answers, his voice calm, as it usually is, and you roll your eyes.

You'd be lying if you said you were a fan of Dr. Lim. You already had your issues with the man when you both worked for the government, before this all started. Once the Outbreak had begun, it had taken you forty-eight hours as his assistant before you had requested to start working out in the field. You're well-aware of his shortcomings.

Unfortunately, and it stings to admit it, he's one of the most competent doctors you've ever met. He'd be more than able to take care of the Sergeant.

"You do realize I have other things to do, right?"

"And I am deeply sorry to have taken you away from your fifth grade biology lessons."

...Okay, he has a point. Finally done with your thorough handwashing — it's not nearly as sanitizing as you'd like it to be, but it's not like there's a lot more you can do —, you come to stand in front of him.

"Does it hurt a lot?" you ask as you start undoing the bandage. At least working with the military means that the men all know what they're doing in terms of first-aid.

"Could be worse. I think I just need stitches."

You'd trust him, if it wasn't for the fact that you've heard him say that about injuries that could have been fatal, had you not been there. In this case, though, you're relieved to see it does look mostly fine. Whatever attacked him slashed through him, deep enough to be concerning but without actually damaging the muscle or hitting an important artery.

"What happened here?"

"One of the guys tried to take something from a monster," the Sergeant Kim replies flatly. "I intervened."

"Oh, it's good it didn't turn out worse, then?"

"Not really," he says with a shrug. "The monster wasn't violent until disturbed. This could have easily been avoided."

"Sounds like your boys need a stern talking-to."

While talking, you go fetch what you need. At least you've got everything required for something like stitching someone up, which you can't say about most other ailments.

"I'll handle that," the Sergeant answers from behind you, and you smile. He exudes this quiet strength that you cannot help but be impressed by. His men would follow him to the end of the world and back, if he asked, and you can see why.

"Alright, well, you know the drill," you tell him, coming back in front of him. "Think you'll be okay?"

It's silly to ask, with how often you've had to patch him or his men up. You're well aware of his resistance to pain. Nonetheless, your training requires you ask, even if it's no surprise when he nods in answer.

"Just go for it."

You make quick and easy work of the wound. You focus on being fast and efficient rather than on lessening the pain, which you know is for the best with him. It's not long before you're setting your tools back down, done with your work. There are a few seconds during which the Sergeant takes the time to relax his jaw, to breathe in a couple of times, and then he nods at you.

"All done?" he asks.

"You'll need to come back here so I can check on it," you say. "And try not to put any strain yourself with that arm for a couple days, alright?"

He nods, but you don't put much faith in that. As a soldier, you'd think he'd be good at following orders and, to be fair, you've heard he did an outstanding job most of the time. Unfortunately, your recommendations seemed to fall into deaf ears more often than not.

"Is that all?"

"Sure," you say, even if his nonchalance exhausts you. "Hope I don't see you here again for a good while."

This, at least, brings a smile to his lips, and you try your best to suppress your shiver. He gets up from the table, and stands up, just inches from you. He's so close, his torso almost brushes against your chest.

"Is that so, Doc?"

Damn that man.

"You know, if you keep this up, I'll end up thinking you're landing yourself in here on purpose," you say.

The smile turns more amused.

"I would never endanger myself on purpose," he tells you with disarming honesty. "But I'd be lying if I said I minded this kind of flesh wounds all that much these days."

And before you can tell him just what you think of that, of course, he leans in to capture your lips. It's not the first time. It doesn't look like it will be the last time. And you're in one of the very few rooms in the stadium that can actually lock.

Fuck it, you decide, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him closer to you. It doesn't matter why the two of you play that game together, the people you shared a past with and that are long gone, the fact that this relationship was built on blood. What matters is that in his arms, for however long you get to have him, you forget that the world is doomed.

If him coming back for more over and over again is any indication, so does he.


Someone expressed interest in a Yeong-Hu story, so I wrote this little one for fun. Unfortunately, I won't be putting out a ton of content for the military guys (outside of Chan-Young) because they just... didn't leave me with a strong impression. So I hope you enjoyed that one! As always, please consider voting and commenting to let me know you're enjoying my work ^-^

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