Night Before Dawn Breaks

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Hecate, Yuji and Kazumi Yoshida walked away from the grocery, each of them carrying a paper bag of ingredients. The store was already several blocks behind them.

"Thanks for coming along with me Sakai-kun," Kazumi said, smiling at the Mystes walking between her and the Supreme Throne.

"Well, it's the least I could do for making those bentos for me all the time," Yuji said. "I really appreciate it. And that club sandwich you brought for lunch earlier was pretty delicious."

The young human maiden turned her eyes away briefly while she blushed. "I-I try my best," she said. "And it's the least I could do for you doing what you can to protect me, and this city."

Hecate took a long, silent stare at the girl until the latter paid attention. "O-Of course, I'm grateful to you too Hecate-chan," she said.

Yuji blinked and glanced at Kazumi. So now he and his mother were not the only ones calling her by her real name.

He turned to Hecate now, who simply nodded to the other girl in response, apparently mildly satisfied. They seemed to have become closer since he and the Priestess returned from the collapsing Sereiden and the failed Fountain of Existence. Now that he was reminded of the incident, he also quite vividly remembered the kiss he and Hecate shared on that astral plane while they were unified in Synchronization.

Yuji's face went red, and thankfully went unnoticed by either girl to his side. It was not the first time the memory returned to thought, but he wasn't sure what to make of it. Sure, he cared for Hecate deeply, loved her even, and wanted to protect her and let her be happy, but he could also not forget the eventual fate they would have to face when the time for the Priestess to make her sacrifice came. At the very least, for now it did not bother as much as it had before. The Supreme Throne was happy, never again being alone, knowing she existed as herself, and finding a place in the world before her time would come as it would for all. He wanted to retain that happiness for her by freeing her from her fate, to make up for all the millennia of emptiness she had to suffer, but he did not even know where to begin.

At the same time, he could not ignore Kazumi Yoshida's feelings. As much as Hecate loved him, yet was still in the process of fully understanding the feeling, Kazumi felt the same way as she did just as deeply. She was very important to him too, and he cared for her. It was her who reassured him of his humanity, and encouraged him to find the strength to save Hecate when she was in peril. He just could not bear to break her heart and see that sweet girl fall apart.

Simply speaking, he had no idea what to do.

Episode 2: Night Before Dawn Breaks

"So, Hecate-chan, are you planning on making dinner for Sakai-kun or your family with those?" Kazumi said, smiling at the Priestess.

The Crimson Lord simply nodded in affirmation, not exactly answering which she intended to use the ingredients for. Still, a 'yes' was an answer.

Kazumi for one was glad that Hecate made dinner for Yuji when they would return to his home after their nightly training, instead of competing with her during lunch. Sometimes, however, she would excuse herself after training to make something for Bel Peol and Sydonay, who were no secret to her.

She recalled Yuji telling her once that the food she made for him matched his exact tastes, not to much surprise. But the young maiden comforted herself with the fact that not only did she put just as much love in her home-cooked meals as Hecate did, she also did her best to have her beloved Sakai-kun enjoy new flavors. And it made her happy to see him find every dish she made delicious.

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