Zone Fighter: The Meteor Hero: Series Review

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After Godzilla G-Force opened the way to a new era, it's time for Zone Fighter to shine like a meteor and become more like a hero, in "Zone Fighter: The Meteor Hero". This series stars "Samuel Takahashi", a normal boy living in a space colony called "Pax", along with his 2 best friends, Owen James, and Misaka Lee Kazashiro. As he stumbles across a conspiracy revolving around the "Meteor Palace", which leads to him turning into Zone Fighter, and "Madison Goodwin", daughter of the Former Leader of G-Force and now, President of Goodwin Industries, Mark Goodwin, and Former News Reporter, Alice Weeds-Goodwin. As she desires a normal life, she is immediately thrust into a war among Titans like King Ghidorah and Godzilla. As a result, she unwillingly follows in her father's footsteps as she fights as the King of the Monsters' partner.

As time went on, Madison and Sam formed Neo G-Force, after the old team, as they recruited new friends from Space Colony Delos, and on Earth. There's Isaac Seabook, the brainiac/android, Elliot Caesar, the vengeful, Kaiju-hating orphan, Max Ross, son of Former General Edward Ross, and Alicia Brody, Monarch Scientist-turned-bestie for Maddie. There are some Tsuburaya Heroes like Mirror Knight, Jean-Bot, Jean-Nine, Glenfire, and let's not forget the Ultramen! There are some new and returning characters from G-Force, and an Original Hero named "Zadia". Since then, they have been through challenge after challenge after challenge. Like, the Necro-Kaiju, the Anti-Kaiju Force, the Hunter Games, and who could forget, the Infinitus Crisis. Sure, Neo G-Force has been through good times, bad times, and even crazier times, but they pulled through in the end. And, that's when Madison and Sam finally got together at the end of the series.

This was the start of Earth-Prime, a world where Ultramen, Gridman, Espers, and Fairy Guardians live here, and Zone Fighter and Godzilla made it all happen.

I love this series and it deserves a 10/10!

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