Arc 11: Godzilla Royale Arc

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A11.1: The Vanishing of Madison Goodwin

Madison wakes up, only to discover that she's been captured by someone but who? And, how did it happen?

Madison: "Huh? Huh?! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!?!?!?"

12 hours earlier, Madison and Sam finally spend some alone time together, not as a date, but as friends, and each time they spend together, the day grows into a date and now, Madison finally admits that this day wasn't just to get to know Sam, it means she had feelings for him all along.

Sam: "What's this all about, Madison?"

Maddie: "That "first-time-together" thing, wasn't just about getting to know you, Sam. I had feelings for you."

Sam: "Is that why we always fought together?"

Sam finally understands why he met Madison and Neo G-Force, not just to protect her, but to fight together with her because he loves her.

Then, at night Madison was captured by someone who she had never seen again, as we head to the beginning.

A11.2: Alien Alliance Upheaval

Madison: "You!"

Mordred: "Nice to see you again, Madison Goodwin."

When Madison sees Alien Mefilas Mordred, that can only mean one thing: the Alien Alliance has finally captured Madison Goodwin, but who ordered them to capture her in the first place?

Madison: "What are you planning now, Mordred?!"

Mordred: "Nothing, we just wanna go home!"

That's when Madison learns of their real objective: to get back home to their world, which is revealed to be Earth-78. Meanwhile, Alice is worried that Maddie didn't come home yesterday, so she calls Junpei for help.

Then, look who's here! The traitor from the Breacher and Endgame Arcs, Dean Arterton, is back.

Dean: "What? You mean Goodwin hasn't told you about me?"

Madison: "Dean Arterton?"

He also reveals that he's from another Earth as well. Then, he summons the Titans Godzilla thought he'd never see again: the MUTO. 

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