Arc 8: Hunter Games Arc (Part 1)

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A8.1: New VR System

Summer vacation, which means sun, fun at the beach, and of course, Zeke. As Neo G-Force gets ready for the beach, there are some friendships between Owen, Misaka, Caesar, and Max, Love moments between Seabook and Alicia, and Sam and Madison. Even NIGEL has his moments. Then, as Madison remembers Mom's words not to trust Zeke, a new VR Game is announced to the public. It's called "The Hunter Games". A VMMORPG where you can hunt down, or capture Kaiju using one of your own. Madison knows that Zeke's plotting something, so Neo G-Force heads to Adness Inc. to meet Zeke.

Madison: "What if Mom's right about Zeke? What if he's trying to use our family for his experiments."

A8.2: A New Trinity Monster

Before Hunter Games was released, Zeke had to train new members to suit his game well. 1st up: Reiner Strong, captain of the wrestling team and a Student Council Representative. Brenton Haywood was Student Council President. And, Anna Holgrave was Student Council Representative and a Muay Thai fighter. The 3 received a call from Zeke to participate in an experiment for a new program. They trained, ate, and slept together, and then, they're ready. They were given their own Kaiju and Cyberlinks to go with it.

Zeke: "My fellow Warriors, it's time we bring on a new age of Kaiju Controllers, and show the world who's the best!"

Zeke dubs his team, "Neo Trinity Monster" and he enlists his new team in the VR Pods to get into the Game. Now all that's left is to wait for Madison and Sam to join his game.

Zeke: "I hope you're ready to play, Madison."

A8.3: Getting in the Game

In Adness Inc, Zeke is running things like a boss, and his new project: The Hunter Games, is selling like wildfire. Then, Madison and the others arrive at Adness Inc to confront Zeke. Only to find out that Zeke wants them to join his game.

Madison: "What is it this time, Zeke?"

Zeke: "I ask that you join the Hunter Games."

Maddie has no choice but to play his game, since she can't trust him, and the others go too. The VR Pods are activated and Neo G-Force got sucked into the Game. They're now in the Hunter Games where the world is wide enough to hunt or capture Kaiju. Looks like Neo G-Force is getting into the games now.

A8.4: The Hunter Games

As Neo G-Force encounters the preliminary round, they were met with Kaiju never seen before and they passed the Preliminary Round, however, they found out that others have passed the preliminaries. And here they are, Trinity Monster, led by Garrett Barnes, and Neo Ancient, led by Kiria Delvayne. Yep, they have returned. 

Madison: "That's Trinity Monster and Neo-Ancient, those guys fought my dad in the past!

As Madison gets to meet them in action, Ceasar gets skeptical at the fact that they're still controlling Kaiju.

Caesar: "Great, more Controllers."

Meanwhile, Zeke introduces a new System: Raid Hunting, in which the players will fight the strongest Kaiju and gain more points than ever before. Caesar feels like he had seen a Kaiju with armor before and gets ready to fight, which worries Sam.

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