nikki 4 birthday

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As i was sleeping in my bed as daddy brought breakfast in bed abd kissed my forehead as Nikki woke up
He smiled at me

Donnie: morning sweetheart happy birthday My little girl Donnie smiled as he picked her up and blew raspberries on my cheek she giggled

Nikki: daddy that tickles nikki said as she giggled as Donnie smiled

Donnie: we got lots of fun things I planned today for us first we got to the amusement park go to McDonald's to eat and have a big party for my special little girl as he boop her nose as she giggles

Nikki giggles : oh boy I can't wait as she hurry got dressed as Donnie took her to the amusement park rode some rides explored as they went to McDonald's nikki had a kids meal as Donnie has a burger and fries with a coffee

Later they arrive back home as Donnie led nikki in the house and turn on the lights she saw her uncles and granpas yelling surprised

Donnie smiles and hugs nikki: happy birthday  my little girl  as he kisses her forehead

Nikki giggle: thanks daddy

As everyone  watched her blew out her cake and opened her presents that everyone brought in as donnie give Nikki a locket has a picture of him and Nikki  with writing on it to my baby girl my only daughter

As Nikki hugs her dad : thanks daddy I love it

Donnie smiles and hugs her back : I love you too sweetheart  just to let you know no matter how old you get you will always be my special girl

Nikki smiles: I know daddy and I really thankful you're my daddy

As donnie smiles and kisses her forehead

As donnie took a selfish of him and his daughter to remember this special moment

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