lullaby for nikki

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As Donnie was working  on his invention  as he hears Nikki  crying  as Donnie  quickly got up and rushed to her and gently  shh her

Donnie: shhh shh it's okay sweetheart  daddy's here daddy's here  shh Donnie said gently  in a loving tone as Nikki whimpering

As Donnie  think  then has an idea

Donnie began to sing:
Close your eyes
Have no fear
The monster's gone
He's on the run
And your daddy's here
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
Beautiful girl
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
Beautiful girl
Before you go to sleep
Say a little prayer
Every day, in every way
It's getting better and better
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
Beautiful girl
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
Beautiful girl
Out on the ocean, sailing away
I can hardly wait
To see you come of age
But I guess we'll both just have to be patient
'Cause it's a long way to go
A hard row to hoe
Yes, it's a long way to go
But in the meantime
Before you cross the street
Take my hand
Life is what happens to you
While you're busy making other plans
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
Beautiful girl
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
Beautiful girl

As Donnie  finished singing  he noticed Nikki asleep in his arms and smiled and
Kissed her forehead  as he sit on the chair and smiled  and whispers  *I promise  nobody going to hurt you and protect you from anything and anyone  I love you my preasious daughter * as Nikki smiled  in her sleep

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