Chapter 21

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All of the pups went upstairs in the elevator, but with Chase gone from the PAW Patrol, everything seemed "foreign" to them. There was no dog pile in the elevator and Chase wasn't there to be on the bottom of that pile, or the machine didn't dress them either, what could be wrong? Finally, the machine got to the top floor where Ryder was waiting for them

Marshall: You wanted to see us, Ryder?

Ryder: Yes, yes I did Marshall.

Skye: But why Ryder? We didn't do anything wrong, did we Ryder? We love you!

Ryder: I know that Skye, but listen.

Rocky: It's a nice day outside Ryder, don't you want us to go play or something?

Ryder lost his patience, even though he didn't mean to

Ryder: PUPS!

The pups jumped in fear, they never heard their master raise his tone at them

Ryder: I am sorry about yelling at you all, but you kept interrupting me. Could you listen to what I have to say please?

The pups looked at Ryder and listened

Ryder: That's better. Now, as you all know, with Chase fired from the PAW Patrol, I felt that we need to alter jobs around, for we need someone to take Chase's old job, police work. As of right now, Adventure Bay is a very dangerous place to live and we need a police pup, so I have decided to do it in a way I think will work out. Now I want the following pups to step forward please and hand me your tags; Marshall, Tracker, Zuma, and Rocky.

The four pups do as Ryder requests and Ryder takes their tags and places them on the table, Ryder then opens the drawer where Chase's collar and tag were, takes Chase's tag from it, and places it with the others.

Ryder: Okay. Marshall, since you are Chase's brother and closest friend to Chase while he was here, I have decided to give you his old job as a police pup

Ryder attaches Chase's tag to Marshall's collar

Ryder: Next, Rocky - I know that you love being our recycling pup, but now you are our water pup! Here you are

Ryder attaches Zuma's tag to Rocky's collar

Ryder: You're up next Zuma - You were a great water pup buddy, but I need a fire pup and you are it!

Ryder attaches Marshall's tag to Zuma's collar

Ryder: Finally Tracker? You are one of the greatest pups I own, but I need an eco pup, and I decided you are perfect for the job Tracker

Ryder attaches Rocky's tag to Tracker's collar

Ryder: Now I hope you pups will be accepting of your new jobs, but with Chase fired from PAW Patrol, I had to make sacrifices.

Marshall: B-But Ryder, I don't know if I can handle police work like Chase!

Zuma: Same hewe Rydew, fiwe wowk is Mawshall's job!

Rocky: Im not sure that I can handle working with the water, I am really scared that I will drown! You will help me, right Ryder?

Tracker: I have never done recycling before! What if I mess up?

Ryder: Don't worry pups, I had a feeling you might be sad about this, but I will teach you how to do your new jobs okay?

Marshall, Zuma, Tracker, and Rocky in unison: Okay Ryder, we trust you.

Skye: What about rest of us Ryder? Will our jobs be changed?

Ryder: No they won't be Skye.

Marshall, Rocky, Zuma and Tracker are an exception to the rule for we need a police pup.

Skye: I understand now Ryder.

Ryder: Now if you pups have no other questions, I am going to start training Marshall, Rocky, Zuma, and Tracker right now, but first they need to get dressed, so Marshall? Rocky? Zuma? Tracker? Please go to the elevator so you four can get dressed and meet me outside, the rest of you are dismissed.

Pups: Okay Ryder.

Ryder watched as their leader went down the pole and outside to set up some stuff, while Zuma, Marshall, Tracker, and Rocky were getting dressed in their new uniforms

Ryder (to himself): This ought to do it! This will help the pups learn what they have to do and give each other advice also. They will learn in no time, just like Rex did.

Marshall, Rocky, Tracker, and Zuma exit outside the lookout where Ryder is waiting for them

Zuma: Whoa!

Rocky: Intense!

Marshall: Neat!

Tracker: Totally cool!

They look at Ryder and ask: Is this to teach us how to do our new jobs?

Ryder: That is correct pups. Zuma, I will start with you, using your water cannons, I want you to climb this ladder and put out these fires!

Zuma: But how do I make them wowk Wydew? I have nevew done this befowe.

Marshall: Say water cannons Zuma with all your might and they will come out of your pup pack. Aiming them is a bit tricky, but once you focus on where you want to shoot them, the rest will come naturally! Try it, I will watch your progress.

Zuma nervously says

Zuma: Watew cannons!

Just like that, two big water cannons came out from the pup pack

Zuma: Whoa, these awe heavy!

Marshall: Concentrate Zuma, you can do this!

Zuma did concentrate and once he did, he was able to put out each fire without much problem

Zuma: I did it! I did it! But how do you make them go back in Mawshall?

Marshall whispers

Marshall: Water cannons return Zuma and they will go back into your pup pack.

Zuma: Water cannons return!

And just like that, the cannons went back into Zuma's puppack.

Zuma: This is easy and fun too! Thanks, Mawshall, you'we a good teachew!

Marshall blushes

Marshall: Aww... thanks Zuma! But there is still one more thing you need to learn how to use, the firetruck and the controls!

Zuma: Will you teach me Mawshall, aftew all, this was youw fiwetwuck.

Marshall: Of course!

Marshall begins teaching Zuma the controls and how they work

Ryder (to self): I have such good pups. They are teaching each other what they learned from me and that's super!

Ryder: Great work Zuma, now keep practicing okay? Marshall will make sure you are doing it right, right Marshall?

Marshall: You bet!

Ryder: Rocky, you are up! Are you ready to learn all about the water and how to be a water pup, just like Zuma?

Rocky nervously gulps

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