Chapter 20

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Chase: Zuma? Why are you here? Let me pass please? Ryder told me I am not on the team anymore. Also, why do you have my teddy bear? Give it to me! Please?

Zuma: You mean this?

Zuma rips the head of Chase's teddy bear off and throws it to Chase

Zuma: Hewe, take it! You aren't a PAW Patrol pup anymore anyway!

Chase started to tear up

Chase: Why? Why did you do this to my teddy bear Zuma? I loved him!

Zuma: Why? That's for bothewing Wocky, my best fwiend, twying to make him youw mate just because you two kissed! What the hell is youw pwoblem Chase? I know what it is, youw a baby, a big baby and when things doesn't go his way, you'll thwow a tantwum about it!

Chase is crying

Chase: Stop it, Zuma, please!

Zuma: Chase is a baby! Chase is a baby!

It wasn't very long before the others joined in and Chase felt even worse

All: Chase is a baby! Chase is a baby!

Skye: Here's your bottle, pacifier, bib, and baby blanket Chase!

Rocky: Now get the fuck out of here baby Chase, we don't want you here!!

Just then Ryder steps out from within the lookout, he sees Chase crying as the other pups are mocking him to leave, So Chase runs from the lookout grounds not looking back, but once Chase is far enough away from the lookout, he turns around to look at his old home, then threw the torn teddy bear in the nearby trash can along with everything Skye gave him, then continued down the sidewalk with tears rolling down his face.

Chase didn't know this, but Ryder saw what Chase did and it made him think about what he did, scolding Chase and telling him he was fired from PAW Patrol. Ryder knows that Chase was his first pup and it made him cry. But he also knew that Chase bothered Rocky and lied to him, his master. But the damage was done.

Chase (to himself): What am I going to do now? I don't have a home to live in, I don't have a family to love and care for me, nothing! I mean, who would take me into their home? Nobody, that's who. I am worthless...

Chase didn't realize it, but he was wrong about what he said, for six pairs of eyes were watching his every move and Mayor Humdinger to boot!

Mayor Humdinger: So... Chase lost his job as a police pup huh? Very interesting...! He looks sleepy, so he's going to need a place to sleep, so we will give him one!

Mayor Humdinger calls Chase from the side of the road

Mayor Humdinger: Chase!

Chase: Huh? Who's calling me?

Then he sees Mayor Humdinger

Chase: Mayor Humdinger? Why are you you calling for me?

Mayor Humdinger: Why? Well, I saw you heading this way and you looked very tired and groggy, so I thought I would offer you a place to sleep being the gentleman that I am. That's not a bad thing, is it? Besides, you don't look like yourself.

Chase: I just got kicked off of PAW Patrol for your information and I am in search of a new place to live.

Mayor Humdinger: You did? Then you must stay with me for the night Chase, I have plenty of room!

Chase: This better not be another of your tricks, is it Mayor? I am sad enough as it is getting fired from the PAW Patrol.

Mayor Humdinger: No tricks Chase, cross my heart. I am just trying to be hospitable for a change, you know a change of heart?

Chase: Well then... okay I will stay the night Mayor Humdinger, but just for tonight, for I still don't trust you.

Mayor Humdinger: Okay Chase.

To himself: That'll give me just enough time to clone him and wreak havoc on Adventure Bay! laughs to himself

back over at PAW Patrol HQ

Zuma: I am glad Chase is gone, he was a pest and an annoyance too! He didn't even have the heawt to kiss me on our date!

Rocky: Wait a minute Zuma, you WANTED HIM TO KISS YOU?!

Zuma: No Wocky I did not, this was a pwetend date to keep him away fwom you and Mawshall and quite honestly I think that I did a fantastic job! Chase is quite the suckew fow love but he suwe sucks licking and sucking my dick

Zuma giggles before he is interrupted

Ryder: PAW Patrol come to the lookout! This is not a mission. I repeat, this is not a mission.

The pups look at each other

All: Ryder needs us?!

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