Chapter 5

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"Look out!" Noah screamed but it was much too late for that. Before any of them could react, the creature fell right on top of them causing the Bridgeton's to be dashed down onto the ground. "Crap! How the hell is it still alive? It was ripped to pieces. Literally!" Noah thought as he whirled around intending to shoot the creature looming over all of them but his gun was gone! "Where the hell did my gun go!?" Noah thought as he stared up at the creature in horror.

"Ow," Liam groaned, rubbing the back of his head. William was also groaning clutching his left arm to his chest and looked to be in real pain.

"What the hell was that?" Fred asked but was immediately distracted by William, reaching out a hand to check on William.

"It's the creature!" Issac cried out and whipped out one of his hand guns but the magazine was empty. "Damn it!"

"Get a safe distance away!" Jonathan called out, attempting to kick the creatures legs out from under him but it was like kicking at a brick wall.

Everything appeared to be moving in slow motion for Noah. Jonathan attempted to kick at the creature's legs again, Issac scrambled back while fumbling for a magazine clip in his pocket, Fred helped William army crawl a little attempting to get away from the creature, and Liam was still complaining about his head. That left the creature in plain view who stared down at Jonathan almost curiously. The creature really did look young which was a little surprising. He didn't look that much older than Noah! Brown hair, green eyes, tan skin. If it wasn't for the fact that blood and guts were caked on the young man's chin, he'd look perfectly normal.

"What are you?" Noah thought to himself, staring up in awe. Horrified awe. Especially when the creature suddenly turned toward Noah. "Oh crap!"

"Noah!" Jonathan bellowed and just like that, time seemed to resume.

Jonathan suddenly jumped up onto his feet swinging a massive branch he'd picked up from the ground to whack the creature right in the face. Fred managed to get William up onto his feet nursing his left arm as they headed toward the truck. Liam, who'd only been whining about his head to be bait for the werewolf or vampire he'd assumed had come after them, turned around and practically screamed like a little girl when he saw the creature and scuttled away like a cockroach. Issac, using his father's attack as a perfect diversion, lunged on top of Noah rolling them away from the creature before they managed to get on their feet.

"Get to the truck!" Issac barked as he pushed Noah after William and Fred, pointing at the truck before turned to shoot at the creature.

Noah backed away, his breathing becoming ragged as he watched his father swing at the creature with the tree branch before it easily yanked it out of his grip. It even snapped it in half with one hand but Jonathan wasn't out of the fight quite yet as he pulled out his machetes again. Liam also got out his gun but neither Liam or Issac took a shot for fear that they might hit their father.

"Come at me!" Jonathan bellowed, machetes at the ready.

"Dad, no! You can't beat that thing!" Noah blurted out, panic rising in his chest at the thought of that creature ripping his father apart. Noah couldn't even bare to imagine him being eaten like the werewolves and vampires from before.

"Noah, get back to the truck. Now!" Jonathan called out, not taking his eyes off the creature for one moment who stared blankly at Jonathan. His arm made swiping motions at Jonathan but they were slow and it almost looked... confused?

"Fine! As long as you three come with me. Knock his legs out and lets go before that zombie mutant eats you!" Noah practically screamed, glancing around to make sure there weren't any others wandering around through the forest but the creature seemed to be all on it's own.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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