Interlude: As Blind As Love

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The night embraced the Mountain of Life, moonlight spilling through the ancient trees, casting a silver glow. Ada and Gan found themselves sitting beneath the canopy of stars in their secluded grove. The soft breeze whispered through the leaves, a subtle ballet of nature that underscored the gravity of the moment. Gan, the former Dark Lord, stood amidst the ancient trees, his demeanour as unyielding as the roots that anchored them to the earth. The air crackled with an unspoken tension, an energy that even the wind seemed to carry.

Over a dozen years had passed since that fateful day by the lake, where destiny intertwined the threads of their lives. The young girl he had saved had blossomed into a woman, the Heiress of Romersai, destined for greatness. 

In the shadowy recesses of his thoughts, Gan reflected on the peculiar turn of events that had brought them together. Ada had been the beacon of light in the darkness that shrouded his existence. For her he wasn't a mere convict on the run. He wasn't some phsyco fighting against his ill fate. He wasn't a menace nor a burden. She saw beyond the veil of  darkness that clung to him, she saw the essence of the being beneath. A soul that was denied of his second chance.

A wistful smile touched Gan's lips as he remembered those early encounters. He had been content with the unique connection they shared. The young woman had been a rare soul who neither recoiled nor cowered in the presence of Death. She embraced the truth of his nature, and in doing so, became the solitary figure in his eternal existence. Despite the passage of time, Gan remained resolute in his commitment to keep the layers guarding his heart intact.

Gan harboured no desire for change, no wish for the tapestry of their connection to alter. The delicate balance they had found, the understanding and acceptance, were the cornerstones of his quiet contentment. He had no need for more, for in her eyes, he found solace, and in her presence, a sanctuary from the shadows that trailed him.

But the wind blew past and had a different story to hear from Ada.

In the garden of Ada's heart, love for Gan bloomed like a delicate blossom, its petals unfurling with the tender touch of shared glances and stolen moments. Their connection was a dance of fireflies in the velvet night, a silent language spoken in the rustle of leaves under the moon's watchful gaze.

Gan, was the orchestrator of laughter that painted the canvas of her world with hues of joy. He had become the melody that echoed in the chambers of her soul. His laughter, a sweet sonnet, could turn the mundane into a celestial ballet, a ballet that they would dance together beneath the vast cosmic canopy.

He was her warmth, the radiant ember that fueled the hearth of her existence. The very reason for the dance of life in her veins, he embodied her entire world. Through the enigmatic pools of his emerald eyes, she believed she had glimpsed the essence of his true self. A tender soul, bathed in the gentle glow of genuine concern, had saved a drowning Ada fourteen years prior. She admired the emerald eyes that had once rescued her from the drowning abyss believing she had glimpsed past the veils of darkness, seeing a tender soul yearning for salvation.

Driven by the desire to be everything for him, just as he had been for her, she embarked on a mission to carve a path of connection. For weeks, she had subtly dropped hints, hoping he would catch on to the silent language of her heart. Yet, amidst the shadows that cloaked his existence, her signals had gone unnoticed, lost in the vast expanse of his enigmatic demeanour.

Undeterred, she acknowledged the possibility that perhaps the nature of dark souls obscured the subtleties she sought to convey. Determined to make her intentions known, she decided to take matters into her own hands. With a heart full of resolve, she charted a course to bridge the gap that lingered between them. However, the Heiress had refused to surrender with no fight.

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