"That's alright, Klee. I bet Jean uses long words, huh? I wouldn't remember it either, so don't sweat about it." The young girl brightened up from the supporting words, beaming to herself as she grabs Dodoco to hold up high.

"Klee remembers Dodoco's words though! Dodoco said you're real nice and sweet! ... or was that Albedo...?" The blond clears his throat with a small red hue covering his cheeks, covering his mouth with his gloved hand as he averts his gaze.

"That's enough for now, Klee. The Creator is probably here for good reason, so we mustn't disturb them any longer." The embarrassed Alchemist took Klee's hand as she let out a disheartened, 'Oh, okay...'. He bid his farewell to [Name] hurriedly, causing Klee to jog to catch up to his strides with soft whines of how fast he was walking.

Venti, who had been uncharacteristically quiet, let out a simple laugh. "I don't think I've ever seen him so embarrassed!" He commented loudly, causing the footsteps to rush in the background. "Anyway~ we should probably check on the Acting Grand Master before anything else."

Copying Klee, [Name] let out their own 'oh, okay?' as Venti skipped towards the office that Jean practically lived in. With a knock, he entered the room impatiently to show off the presence of the Divine Creator.

The frustrated look that settled across Jean's drained face instantly shattered, brightening up as she stood up panicked. "Y-Your Grace!" She cleared her throat, brushing down her ruffled tailcoat as she pushes it back behind her. Her head dips politely, but soon lifted back up as her palms nervously tighten the hold her hair tie had around the golden locks in a simple ponytail. "I... I'm honoured to meet you in my lifetime. Is there anything I can do for you or assist you with?" Her eyes stared at them expectantly, glimmering in the cool grey colour she was blessed with as a soft smile graced her features.

With a simple wave of their hand, [Name] dismissed the idea completely. "No, no! Everything's fine! I'm just looking around is all." Ah, I need to find Diluc and Rosaria actually. Should I wait 'till night? That's when they'd usually be around, right?

"- If there is anything that's a bother, or even disrespectful, please do let me know!" They blinked, realising they missed half of what Jean had said. Instead of communicating that, they simply gave a hesitant smile and a small nod. They kept their hands down, suppressing the urge to give a thumbs up as they averted their gaze shamefully. "I should let you get back to your exploration! But please, don't hesitate to visit me whenever you wish to."

With another nod, the half-known agreement was sealed before Venti began tugging them away to another room. However, once Jean's office door was closed, he leaned close to whisper to them. "Why aren't you telling anyone else to call you by your name?"

"... It's pretty tedious..." They admitted, "having to tell everyone my name feels like a punishment." They let out a sigh, slightly exaggerating their experience but Venti's eyes widened at the admittance.

I Plead, Your Majesty, For ForgivenessOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz