Xingyun (Smut)

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Aged up AU


Xingqiu really didn't know what had gotten into him, but his libido had been going haywire all week. It was Thursday night now and the man could barely even think coherently at this point. He hadn't told Chongyun yet, because he had been busy with his practices and Xingqiu didn't wanna bother him, but the moment Chongyun walked into their room again, shirtless and covered in a light glaze of sweat, Xingqiu's shoulders stiffened and his breath hitched.

Archons, this man was gonna make him go feral.

"You're staring again," Chongyun laughed as Xingqiu turned his head away in embarrassment. "Anyways, I'm done with my exercises for today, but I really need to shower now. I know we haven't hung out much this week, so I was thinking maybe we could watch a movie together in a bit?"

Xingqiu nearly missed everything his boyfriend had said, but once the words finally registered, he gazed back towards him and forced himself to peel his eyes off his very built figure. "Oh, yeah I'd actually love that! What were you planning on watching?"

Chongyun undressed as he spoke, leaving only his boxer-briefs on. "Well my assumption was that you'd choose the movie while I was showering. Is that alright?" He picked a few clean clothes from the closet and Xingqiu watched as his back muscles flexed and stretched as he maneuvered.

"Yeah, I don't mind choosing something," He instinctively chewed on his lip; a bad habit he'd picked up as a kid, and never quite grew out of. He slid off the soft bed and headed towards the door, but was suddenly stopped when Chongyun placed a hand on his shoulder and turned him around. Their lips pressed together affectionately, resulting in a hushed gasp from Xingqiu.

"I'll be quick, I promise," Chongyun skedaddled into the bathroom, leaving no time for Xingqiu to respond. Xingqiu tried to ignore the growing heat in his belly and continued making his way to the livingroom. There weren't really any interesting movies that the two hadn't seen already, so Xingqiu wasn't super sure what to pick. He guessed he could probably get away with turning on a Disney or Pixar movie they've already seen before, but he also didn't want to disappoint his boyfriend.

Xingqiu sat on the couch and slipped the TV remote into his fingers. Chongyun honestly likely wouldn't mind if they watched a movie they'd already seen before.. hm, maybe he'll make options then. One option for something they've seen before and another for something they haven't. Yeah, he liked that idea!

Turning on the TV, he scrolled through the seemingly endless options of Netflix, scanning the movies and shows for something that piqued his interest. Let's see.. Chongyun likes horror movies a lot, as well as live-action. Sooo, maybe a live-action horror film?

Xingqiu clicked through, eventually finding an option for a movie they hadn't seen before. Some time later, he also picked out a movie from Pixar that they'd seen a thousand times. And.. Chongyun still seemed to be in the shower. Ugh, what is he meant to do while he waits?

With a light frown, Xingqiu stood up once more and stepped to the kitchen. His eyes scanned the cabinets and fridge, looking for something that the two could snack on while they watched their movie. He hummed impatiently. They had popcorn, but Xingqiu wasn't in the mood to choke on kernels. With an exasperated groan, he leaned against the counter, trying to think of anything else.

He didn't want popcorn, or chips, or anything crunchy really.. ugh at this point he should just get a drink instead of a snack. Fumbling around a bit, his eyes finally sparkled when he found some packets that he could use to make hot chocolate. Without hesitation, he made a cup for himself, and then a cold cup of chocolate milk for Chongyun. It was childish, yes.. but... nevermind, Xingqiu didn't have any excuses.

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