Xingyun (Fluff)

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The chilling wind of Dragonspine sliced through Xingqiu's thoughts. He had been pondering for a while, and hadn't realized just how far ahead Chongyun had gotten. He called out his name and hurried back to his side. They had been out for about an hour now, and the cold had started getting to Xingqiu. It felt like it was seeping into his very core.

He shivered as he slipped back into his mind. They were up on dragonspine for a couple reasons, but for the most part it was for Chongyun. He was told there was yet another remedy for his condition and unfortunately the ingredients for it only grew on Dragonspine. And despite Xingqiu's cries, Chongyun had decided to drag him here either way.

Xingqiu wasn't very upset about it though, he just wasn't good with handling the cold, unlike his friend who's congenital positivity often kept him warm, even if fully naked on Dragonspine. Xingqiu made a face at that thought. He'd rather not imagine Chongyun naked right now.

"Slow down, you ass," Xingqiu pouted, hugging himself to keep in whatever warmth he had left. Chongyun huffed and turned to face Xingqiu.

"I know you're cold, I'm trying to hurry! These flowers just aren't easy to spot, you know that," Chongyun frowned and glanced around under the trees and in the snow. "Plus, you literally put on 3 jackets, I'm sure you'll be fine for a few more minutes. We'll head down after I grab a couple more." Xingqiu rolled his eyes and continued walking next to his friend.

"Can we at least light a fire or look for a seelie? I'll turn into an ice cube at this rate! How will I be of any help if I'm frozen solid?" Xingqiu joked lightly. He seriously was cold though, and Chongyun could tell.

The exorcist sighed, he really didn't like interrupting his own quests, but he also didn't want his best friend to turn blue. "Ok," He breathed. "There's a seelie over here that you can warm up at, but you know I'll overheat if I get too close to it, so I'm just gonna stand to the side," Chongyun grabbed Xingqiu's hand and walked him towards the seelie as he spoke, not noticing the faint blush that appeared on Xingqiu's features from the touch.

Every time Chongyun would touch him, the world seemed to melt away. Xingqiu had never been the kind to really like summer, or hot days, maybe because he was always cold, so any small amount of heat felt like it was burning him. But no, not Chongyun. Chongyun's warmth was something that struck Xingqiu to the core. It warmed his skin, his bones, his heart. Every time. He could never get sick of it, in fact, he constantly craved that feeling from his friend, he just was too embarrassed to ever tell him such a thing.

The moment was over just as soon as it had started. Chongyun helped Xingqiu sit down on a sturdy log next to the seelie and stepped to the side. Xingqiu frowned at the sudden loss of such a comforting warmth, but at least he was warming up from the seelie now.

"Your hands are so warm, maybe we should've just held hands the whole time," Xingqiu chuckled. He had played it off as a joke, but behind the laugh he really wished his friend wouldn't mind the option. Teasing Chongyun was his favorite pass time anyways, much to Chongyun's disapproval.

"No way! You know I'm not a touchy person, plus I need my hands free for flower plucking," Chongyun scolded Xingqiu, deciding not dwell on the thought of holding hands and instead continued to scan the area for more of the flowers they'd been after. Xingqiu caught glimpse of a small blue petal sticking out of the snow.

"Hey, there's one right behind you, in the snow," He spoke. The exorcist turned around and his eyes lit up at the sight of the flower. He quickly dug it out of the snow - with his bare hands - and to his surprise there were 2. Just the perfect amount to add to the rest of the flowers they'd collected today. Xingqiu watched, endeared, as Chongyun delicately plucked them from the ground and placed them gently into the bag he had brought with him.

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